3 Cocktails In
Addicting conversations between friends who have been there, done that and still want more.
We are 3 friends who got this crazy idea to start a podcast based on our friendships, family lives, professional lives and experiences! This idea kept coming up in our conversations, especially after a cocktail or two or maybe three, and we finally decided to ACT on it!
We don't claim to be experts on too many things, but friendship? Well, we've got that down. We're making our way through major life changes, searching for work that excites us, busting myths associated with 'old' people, and keeping a sense of humor about it all.
Self employed, boss - CHECK
Mom, wife, single - CHECK
Rural, suburban, urban life - CHECK
Vodka, gin, wine - CHECK
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Amy, Kitty & Stacey
P.S. Isn't our intro music great?! Yah, we think so too. Thank you, Ivy States for "I Got That Wow".
3 Cocktails In
Transforming Winter Blues into Vibrant Connections
Imagine transforming your winter blues into a season of vibrant social connections. That's exactly what we aim to help you achieve in this episode of "3 Cocktails In: Addicting Conversations." We kick things off by sharing our personal experiences of building micro connections, like Kitty's adventures in local coffee shops and Stacey's aspirations to step into more social gatherings. We explore the baby steps it takes to form lasting friendships and the importance of consistency and openness in building these new bonds. Whether it's through a warm smile at your neighborhood café or accepting a dinner invite, these small actions can accumulate into significant and meaningful relationships.
The discussion continues with practical strategies for expanding your social circle by frequenting local haunts such as bars, gyms, and coffee shops. Kitty shares her commitment to maintaining her coffee shop visits, while Stacey sets sights cocktail bar, Juniper and Olive. Amy plans to continue inviting friends to attend exciting functions in the city. We touch on the thrill of meeting new people on vacation through shared interests and the potential to deepen professional ties by engaging with coworkers outside the office. Additionally, we delve into the joys of nurturing friendships across different generations, as illustrated by the younger generations planning regular gatherings and events. Say yes to invitations and watch how new connections can enrich your life, regardless of the season.
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Amy, Kitty & Stacey
P.S. Isn't our intro music great?! Yah, we think so too. Thank you, Ivy States for "I Got That Wow".
All right, ooh, look, I got that. Wow, who wants some handsome right now? We got that. Turn it up loud. I know you're wondering how I got that. Wow, here I go, here I go, coming. I can't ever stop. I'm a tour de force running. Get me to the top, I don't need a.
Speaker 2:Oh, good evening friends. Friends, how are you? No, I'm cold. It is um. We are in the depths of winter, clearly, yes, it's to be really cold tomorrow. Yeah, are you drinking pop it.
Speaker 3:No, but I am drinking a hot chai tea latte. Okay, I decided why not hot today?
Speaker 4:Yeah, so I bought a weird chai tea you know I buy the curd cups for work Chai tea latte, supposedly made with milk. It tastes weird, so I did that and a pod of hot chocolate and mixed it together.
Speaker 3:That would be good that was very delightful.
Speaker 4:Oh nice, yeah. So somebody I know in my past used to call this weather nipply.
Speaker 2:Oh, Well, it is that?
Speaker 4:That it is. You know, I used to. I mean, we were grown-ass adults and that made me laugh every single time, like I was some 12-year-old boy.
Speaker 2:Yes, Well, welcome everyone. This is Three Cocktails in Addicting Conversations and we are yeah, it's frigid, cold here, it is in a lot of parts of the country, yeah, and this is that time of year when people can get down. People kind of get into the doldrums of winter and, you know, resolutions have gone out the window weeks ago and it's cold so. But we've started this conversation about making new friends and we wanted to, in this episode, kind of come back and revisit that. See how we're doing A few weeks ago, see how we're doing, encourage each other, yes, and just kind of help each other continue to make some progress on this.
Speaker 4:So How's it going?
Speaker 3:Yeah, well, we should. We should describe what we were going to try to do. Yes, right, okay, let's talk about that first.
Speaker 4:Okay, micro connections yes, right, that was pretty much that, and we were going to identify the type of friend, friends that we were really hoping to add this year. This is a whole year project. This is not anything that we're going to expect, and you know, to have done in a week.
Speaker 2:Yes, right, baby steps, baby steps, yeah, baby steps, baby steps, yeah. And also, you know again, maybe just reinforcing that on this topic, what we're talking about we're not talking about. We're not replacing friends. No, we're not saying I don't, I'm already busy, I don't have time to make new friends. There are these little pockets that can be filled with friendships, micro, micro relationships that can enrich our lives incredibly. So, for me, where I was going with this is that I was looking to make more local, just have some better local connections and local friends. So that that was going to be my, and is my, focus.
Speaker 2:Good, I have gotten myself to the coffee shop.
Speaker 4:Oh, how hard for you. What just?
Speaker 2:I mean just just I'm really putting myself out there and way to take one for the team kitty yeah, how did it go uh? Good. So the I think the key, though, with this. So my approach is you know there are random people that go to the coffee shop and most of the time, you know, with the coffee culture, people tend to go to the same coffee shops and they also tend to go at the same times.
Speaker 2:So you are a trainable lot. Yes, we are a trainable lot. Yes, we, yes, we are a trainable lot, that's right. Um, so I have two locations that I can go between caribou and starbucks, and they're like this from my house and um. So I've gone and I noticed that I do see some of the same people, and so I have the words of the conversation in mind, when you know we've acknowledged you can't be buried in your phone or in a book or whatever. You have to be open, to make eye contact, to say hi. And so I've been able to do that. I can't say that it has gone any further than that, but I have done that and I know that it's just going to take doing it on a regular basis so that people see me as well and they go. Oh yeah, she's here all the time, yeah.
Speaker 4:That's just the perfect baby step. That's really, you know and we're going to talk about it a little bit more how to, how to build on this, but that's the most important thing. You've got to put that sign out that says hi, you know, look up, look around, put a smile on your face, make eye contact, sort of thing. So good for you, Good job.
Speaker 3:Thank you and I agree with your baby steps. I think if you came in hot with some people and just sort of chat, blah, blah, blah, blah you know I'm kidding blah, blah blah They'd probably like okay, what is going on, you know what's going on?
Speaker 2:Why?
Speaker 3:are you coming at me.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 3:Yeah.
Speaker 4:Yep, you know what's going on. Why are you coming at me? Yeah, yeah, yep. How about you stace what? What's your?
Speaker 3:what's 2025 friendship project for you, right? So I I wasn't real positive on the first show. What I wanted it to be, I think I've narrowed it down to. You know, I want to be invited to places. You know what I mean, whether it be as a couple. Go to dinner, as a whatever you know girlfriend, go do something. You know you guys are too far away. My other group of friends we meet once a month and they're you know we don't get together other than that one once a month time. You know, it'd be nice to have some local people that invite me. I'm always the one doing the inviting.
Speaker 3:You know, what I mean. Yeah, and then whatever. So that would be, that would be fun. I did make, you know, just the goofy micro connections. You know, talk to a lady in the grocery store. I made a connection with a guy at the Hardee's drive-thru. That was kind of weird but you know, typically it would just be okay, thanks and drive off, you know, but he was chatty and I chatted back with him instead of just, you know, blowing him off whatever, but that's excellent, that's.
Speaker 4:That was something that one of the people suggested. One of the experts said you need to practice. You need to practice reciprocating conversations and, yeah, some of it's small talk but that didn't hurt you to talk to the dude in the hardy's drive-thru.
Speaker 3:No perfect practice. Yeah, yep, it is where and, like I said, I'll be the first one to admit. Typically, that would have been okay you know what I mean and not just said anything of value to him and just gone on, but you know. So things like that it is. It is kind of a practice, um, one of the things as I was reading through. You know, like we said, baby steps, it's gonna take patience. You know it's not gonna. You're not gonna find your people or your group of people or whoever, your new bestie overnight. So I don't expect those instances to be it either. But you're right, it's just chatting with people.
Speaker 4:Yeah, well, as you guys know, I'm a chatter. I talk to people everywhere I go. I love talking to people. I'm looking to get beyond the chatting and trying to find somebody that, like you, is local down where I'm at, because I do have friends, kitty's. You know, 30 minutes away I have another friend that's 30 minutes away. This involves serious scheduling and I'd love to have somebody down here locally that you know it could be. Hey, I'm just going to go do X, y, z, you want to go? Awesome, cool.
Speaker 4:So I have been Miss Chatty, cathy, in the elevator, as I promised I would. I've been practicing on all sorts of people in the elevator. Today it was this woman who had all of her recycling and I was on my way to work and I'm like, oh, I took my recycling down earlier today, you know. And then we got to chatting about the door, how the door doesn't open and you know things like that, so I'm always kind of practicing. Doesn't open and you know things like that, so I'm always kind of practicing.
Speaker 4:But I went to my favorite little shop downtown here statement, love them, shout out molly, who's so friendly. And I brought my friend, paige lives 30 minutes away. We scheduled this, um, and they had a make your own jewelry bar bar. That's where I made these. Okay, um, but that's that was great, because there were other people there that like to do the same thing. I, I do like the same shop, and so the woman her name is katie white, it's her jewelry, she also makes jewelry and had a bunch of jewelry in there and we just got to talking and talked about what Valentine's Day plans were and where they were going and what she was going to wear.
Speaker 4:And you know, it was just one of those where you're in the situation and it's kind of like playing tennis they say something to you, you receive it, you say something back, you know, back and forth. It was good practice, it was very safe practice. You know, we're in a large group, lots of people around. Neither one of us had to carry a conversation or, you know, prolong it sort of thing, and so that was that was good, and Paige loved it, and so that's you know good, loved it, and so that's you know good. And I got to introduce her to Molly, um, so next time Paige comes in because her daughters live close, molly and her mother, carol, are probably going to remember Paige, so that's, you know, easy, easy, little one yeah, yeah, great, that's great yeah so we all made a little headway.
Speaker 3:Yeah, a little bit, yeah, at the same time, you know, I have, we have friends that we haven't done much with in the past couple of years. No real reason, just busy. Just don't get around to it as often, right? And so I thought and we were planning a trip we're going to Isla in mid-March. So I thought, oh, I'll ask them and see if they want to go, thinking no way in heck, right, they're going to go, so that'll be fun. Oh, good for you, they're gonna go, so that'll be fun. Oh, good for you, I know. So that's what you have to remember too. Are you gonna stay where we stayed last time? No, we're staying. On the other other side, barney picked. He wanted to go resort instead of all of you know, yeah, yep, yeah, so that's what we're doing. And they wanted to do that too.
Speaker 3:So I said, okay, whatever, yep, yeah, cool yeah if I go back with the girls, you know, like my daughters or something, we would stay more in, like that side. Yeah, yep, yeah. So yeah, that's what we're doing. Good for you, that's awesome, yeah, yeah so what?
Speaker 4:what are we doing you now? What's next steps? Do we have good next steps?
Speaker 3:Well, should I read from the list of what it says for month two Sure.
Speaker 2:Yes.
Speaker 3:Okay, the first one is say yes to social invitations, even if they feel outside your comfort zone. We just had that.
Speaker 4:We need to give a shout out to five, six other women who stepped out of their comfort zone and joined us for Galentine's yes.
Speaker 2:Yeah, we had um, so that episode just dropped.
Speaker 2:on balance, no on yeah, on thursday last week yep, thursday the 13th and so we did that show via zoom so we could actually see each other and, yeah, we had, you know, five or six of our listeners and viewers join us and we just had a fun conversation about friendship. And that was those people who, those women who said yes to that. That was something that maybe some people would not feel comfortable doing, so that was, yeah, that was wonderful and I think everybody I don't know that.
Speaker 3:They for sure knew what they were getting into. Probably not, yeah, but it did seem like they all hurt. No, they had fun, I think they were. They were in the conversation, you know. They seemed like they enjoyed it. It wasn't torture, you know, getting on in front of the camera. So yeah, yeah.
Speaker 4:And you know, even if you, especially if you don't know what you're in for and you say, yes, even better, you know, I mean you're in your own home, You're on, you know you're on zoom. These women evidently had listened enough that they knew what to kind of expect. Yeah.
Speaker 3:I would think yeah, yeah.
Speaker 4:Yeah, so that's awesome. So so, saying yes to things that are, did you say, out of the comfort zone?
Speaker 3:Yeah, just possibly outside your comfort zone, just saying yes to a social invitation, or even you know, I think it could be as small as your community is having something or the school's having something. You know, just go and see who's there and talk to a few people. I don't know as ideas. Yeah, you know like very't know as ideas. Yeah, like very similar to your jewelry thing that wasn't outside your comfort zone. But you have to get there and go, not just. Oh, I wonder what that was like.
Speaker 4:And Paige, she's like what are we doing? Where is this at? How am I gonna how to? Where am I gonna park? I'm like, just come get me, you just come get me and I'll, I'll get us there. And you know, I think easy things would be if somebody in your office, if you're working in an office, and somebody says I'm gonna go get a bite to eat, you know, anybody want to go with me? You say yes, yeah, somebody throws out just a group, anybody want to go go? They're asking because they want somebody to go. Right, if they wanted to go by themselves, they would not ask right.
Speaker 3:Yep, you want to know. Number two is frequent a local spot coffee shop, bar, gym to become familiar with the regulars, just like Kitty's doing. That's going to be my goal for this month is to go, go somewhere Are you going to a bar, a gym coffee shop?
Speaker 4:Where are you going to a bar, a gym coffee shop?
Speaker 3:where are you going? Well, we talked about it last time, I just haven't made it, and they've been closed, some too, so I'm going to at least two. That's my goal. Two days in the next month go to juniper and olive, which is like a bar.
Speaker 4:Yeah, a bar, very fancy cocktail bar but not a fancy, which is what makes it so awesome. Oh yeah, no.
Speaker 3:Yeah, take pictures to share. I will, I will, I will, yeah.
Speaker 4:So, Kitty, what about you? Are you going to narrow down your coffee choices? Are you going to try something different?
Speaker 2:I think I need to stay the course.
Speaker 4:Have you been going to both?
Speaker 3:Yeah, excellent. Same time of day. Is that what you're trying to go at? Exactly at the same time.
Speaker 2:Yeah, now also one thing. So Bill and I leave for vacation on Tuesday and I said to him let's try to meet people, because usually we don't, we, usually we just totally keep to ourselves and I don't, yeah, I, I don't. I'll be honest, I don't really like meeting people on vacation. I don't know why, but since it's just the two of us going, this could be a good opportunity to do that. So I think we are going to be more open to chatting with people and if you find those people that you're like, oh, they seem really cool, let's see if they want to go grab a drink tonight after dinner or whatever, um, we're going to do that and then.
Speaker 2:So, even though they might not be from Minnesota, you know that could still be an interesting new relationship, oh yeah even Even better.
Speaker 3:You know, they'll have different experiences from a different area of the world, and you could, you know.
Speaker 4:I often find vacation, especially at resorts and stuff like that. Those are really easy conversation starters. Yeah, you know. Have you guys been here before? Do you have any recommendations? Yeah, you know, all of that just makes it yeah, and you'll find the same people like to go to the same place, by the pool or they like that. You know you can see them at four o'clock. They're going to X, y, z place, so yeah, so good practice, but also fun.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I think it's always an interesting social experiment when you're traveling somewhere and you're wearing a T-shirt that is either like I'm being honest when I say that anytime we are wearing Gustavus gear we're not in Minnesota. Somebody will stop Somebody will stop us. Yeah, yeah. So Bill is wearing a Gustavus t-shirt. He's taking a Gustavus t-shirt. He's also bringing a couple of Harley t-shirts. Those will usually somebody will say oh, what kind of bike you got. So there you go.
Speaker 4:You know what?
Speaker 4:That's an excellent idea, though I mean when we talk about putting ourselves out there for um, available for conversations, think about your own community and you're. You're sporting it, uh, the high school chaska hawks or or something. That's an easy connection point when you're out and about for somebody else who's in that same, yeah, same same. You know area, what do you? Oh, have you been to the game? Do you like whatever? Or you know theater anything with? You know any of your likes on it? I still think that if you you want to meet knitter friends, you just carry that knitting bag around, yep, and that will not take very long to get a conversation going that is true, yep.
Speaker 3:Number three we all already kind of mentioned engage with co-workers outside of work by planning casual hangouts. Oh oh, good idea. Yeah, plan something. Go out with your coworkers, or coworker, yeah, coworker, yeah, whatever. So that's an idea.
Speaker 1:Mm-hmm.
Speaker 4:Mm-hmm, I have a child who is starting just started, a new job and she's liking it. But she, she says they like to go out to eat for lunch, like every day, and she goes. That's fun that first week. But she likes to bring her lunch and she doesn't like to pay for you know for for lunch she goes but my wallet like okay, well, you know, they also like to buy, I mean her, her friends, and she has said oftentimes we can't just go eat something inexpensive, they like big, fancy meals.
Speaker 4:So yeah but that's one of the best ways to kind of get to know people that you're working with and if you want to control where you're going, you know how you control where you're going. You invite somebody else.
Speaker 3:Yeah, invite someone to where you want to go. Yep, you know she wouldn't have to go every day. Yeah, yeah, hey, yep, but I can't go to. I can't go today, but I'll go on thursday.
Speaker 4:Yeah, she'll get it figured out. Yeah, she'll get it figured out, but you know co-workers, new, new to the organization a daily basis. So I'm going to have to Do you get?
Speaker 3:along with your co-worker. Do you get along with?
Speaker 4:you. Some days I have a construction supervisor that houses there pretty often and he's a trip and I really like working with him. He's. He's really really good and he's proactive and a couple of times I'm like, hey, I'm ordering door dash you, I'm happy, what can I buy for you? You know, as he keeps the neighborhood looking good, he keeps the homebuyers happy. You know, this is a very important role. This is a team effort here. He's like no, I'm good, like okay, are you sure? So every once in a while, like if I go someplace, I'll bring him back like a really good you know cookie or something, and he'll go great. And then I'll hear from his office Damn, that's good. Like, yes, you know, but I'm not sure where I'm going to, how I'm going to push myself this next month.
Speaker 3:Well, then keep at what you're doing, you know.
Speaker 4:Yeah, I need to. I might just have to actually reach out to some people I know and set something up. Yeah, yeah, and I do think rekindling old friendships counts just as much as as having a new friendship start. I do too.
Speaker 3:Me too. Yep, I agree, you know, or your, you know. You move your elevator conversations to something more, you know, yep. Hey, do you want to go? Do whatever.
Speaker 1:Yeah definitely.
Speaker 4:So those would be two. And I just keep looking. I really I love our our friend Sarah's yoga six studio and I keep looking at her schedule to see if any of the morning workouts would work with my work schedule so I could draw in, and I just can't get those to match up. So I have been searching other yoga studios because I've got to go do something and you know that's one of the big suggestions is yeah, you know, do the thing you love where like-minded people are also there right, so that's a part of it.
Speaker 3:If you know, if your gym or you know the friends that go to, what do they call that bar?
Speaker 4:Oh yeah, oh yeah. Bar B-A-R-R-E.
Speaker 3:Yeah, you know things like that, yep.
Speaker 4:It's almost getting that. Well, it's not almost getting nice, it's Minnesota, but it will be nice when we can go walk outside. I mean, people do do that here, but not me yeah.
Speaker 3:It's not my thing, especially not this coming week. It's going to be like zero or minus, you know, below zero.
Speaker 4:Yeah, I think I'm going to be happy if it's zero, I think it's below zero.
Speaker 3:Oh well, we'll get through it. Yes, we will.
Speaker 4:Yeah, I was going to see if there was something else. I think that this is good. We had some successes this last month. We have a little bit of a plan. We're going to say yes when asked. We're going to continue with the things that have worked. Um kitty's going to go be cruise director.
Speaker 3:Yes yeah, that's exciting. I have a friend that she and her husband were on a vacation and they met a couple and they're still friends. It's been years ago.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I think Bill's boss and his wife. They do big world trips and they met a couple years ago and every year they go somewhere together. Wow. So, and I just I've thought about that so many times and I just think what that is a very significant connection it is. You're in that first time when you say, oh, these are, these are these people are going to be lifelong friends and we're going to travel the world with them.
Speaker 4:Um, so, that's, that's's pretty cool do you think it started with these are going to be lifelong friends and we're going to travel the world. Or do you think it just started with? Hey, they were fun. Let's see if they want to do something again yeah someone has, yeah, someone has to make the first.
Speaker 3:You know invitation, you know what I mean you can't just go think it. You have one of you has to be bold enough to invite the other couple.
Speaker 4:See what happens, yeah so hey, is um madison with her cute little muffin there, uh, doing any sort of parent classes or any little kid groups. Is she me? Are they meeting new friends now that they're in baby mode?
Speaker 3:They they have a lot of friends. You know what I mean.
Speaker 4:That are close.
Speaker 3:That are close close enough, they get together quite a bit. In fact, she was all bummed out because her one of her friends has a one-year-old born a couple of weeks before Sawyer, and her birthday party was yesterday and it got canceled. So that would have been the little you know group. So, like, for instance, sawyer's birthday party, she's having two. The first Saturday is play date for all the you know moms, maybe dads too, I don't know, I think just moms and the little little you know. They're all two and under you know, so they all get together on one day and family birthday party the next day. So, yeah, yeah, they do. They do a real good job, in my opinion, of inviting each other you know to things. So since you know they don't get out much like they used to to the club you know, so they've all figured out how to make you know family part of their you know their little families part of the party.
Speaker 4:So Um, that reminded me. Um, I did something else that was out of the blue. Last month, ava's one of her good friends came to town because she was working a. She's an on-air sports commentator and she had a couple of weekend gigs and we connected and we went out to dinner. So talk about intergenerational, you know, I mean Ava's friend friend, I got to go. That was really fun. So you know, it's another connection. Yeah, yep, and it's fun because we'll send each other messages and stuff on on instagram and whatever, and it's those things, just the little connections, that make us feel good, and that is really what we're trying to do.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 3:Yeah, perfect, that's right.
Speaker 2:So we will stay the course. We will keep doing this, we will keep encouraging each other. So this is good that we are talking about it and helping each other brainstorm about how to do it. For those of you who are listening and watching, we hope that this is of interest to you as well and hope that you can find some new connections and make some new friends this year, because we all need these relationships.
Speaker 4:They all add value to our lives absolutely, and if somebody asks you, please say yes, yes, they might. They might really need a friend, they really need somebody new to talk to so if you are asked, please say yes yeah.
Speaker 3:Yeah, yeah.
Speaker 2:Good advice, very good advice.
Speaker 3:Yep, Do we have any shots? Oh man.
Speaker 2:Do we have any shots, boy? I don't think I have one today, yeah, I don't think I got.
Speaker 3:I got influenced again on was it a recipe? No, I'm, I told you I'm, I'm no, not doing that again. You'll find this one funny. I fell for the crepe erase. Oh, how'd that work. Okay, well, I haven't started using it yet, so I can't say, but I will. So that's my shot. I will report back on how well it gets rid of all my wrinkles and crepey skin. How about that?
Speaker 4:Gosh, I hope we recognize you next time you're on.
Speaker 3:I know, right, I know It'll just be like a blank slate with no wrinkles.
Speaker 4:Yeah, we're going to all you're going to jump on the way back machine.
Speaker 3:This is sure, I'm sure that's gonna happen.
Speaker 2:Yes, yeah okay, good, good thanks for trying that out for us. You're welcome love it.
Speaker 4:Hey, I try um. I did try the wonder skin lip stains.
Speaker 3:Oh the purple stuff, the purple or blue. Yeah, how did that work, do you?
Speaker 4:have it on now? No, I don't, because I didn't have enough time and I got home a little bit late and I was eating right away. Okay, I have used it on multiple occasions and there is a little bit of a learning curve because you do have to put a lot on. Okay, it's not hard to do. It does not peel off like the influencers show you. You know it'll dry and crackle, and that's when, cause I guess, you only leave it on 60 seconds.
Speaker 4:Um, my one big tip is you need to exfoliate your lips before you put it on. You need that little scrub, you know, on your lips, get rid of all the dry Minnesota hanger on or things. Um, but, yeah, I felt the color. I just picked out a color that was like a little bit deeper than my lips so that it could, you know, look like I had good color. Um, I still need to line my lips around that and you still have to put on some sort of gloss or sheen, so it's not like a 12-hour lipstick. It really is a lip stain, but it was nice because it did last through eating. Okay, yeah, so you know I've wasted money on worse things, yeah.
Speaker 3:That don't actually work right.
Speaker 4:I'd say I'd give it probably a 7 out of 10. I mean, I've tried some lip stuff and I've tried it once and gone. Yeah, no. So this is you know. I'm coming back for more on it. Good, okay.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:There you go. So how long does it last roughly.
Speaker 4:They say it's supposed to last like eight to 12 hours. I do not believe it does. I think that it will get. You know, I put it on before I leave for work and it'll get me through lunch. Oh, and I just put a little, you know, carmex or chapstick or something on just to keep my lips kind of moist, or maybe lip gloss, just a clear little lip gloss, but I like the color and you know it's not like I'm going to bite it off or it doesn't fade then, as I'm talking to somebody in the middle of a sale or something like that. Yeah, yeah, cool.
Speaker 3:Interesting there you that. So yeah, yeah, cool, interesting there you go.
Speaker 2:All right, there's a good shot.
Speaker 4:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Any parting words.
Speaker 4:I'm going to be very jealous of you on your little vacation. I am going up North for a couple days Good Opposite direction of warmth, but it'll be fun nonetheless All right A getaway.
Speaker 3:A bad vacation is better than a good work day. Did you know that?
Speaker 1:Oh have you never heard that saying.
Speaker 3:Yeah, no, bad vacation's better than a good work day. Who wants to be at work?
Speaker 2:I think, then, that person needs to find a new job. Yeah, yes.
Speaker 3:That too, yes, yeah, yeah. I think I have Vacation's good, so it's always good.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I will report back.
Speaker 3:Vacation's good. Yeah, it's always good. Yeah, I will report back. All right, okay All right, all right, everyone.
Speaker 2:Have a wonderful week. We'll see you soon. Cheers, appreciate you all being here. Cheers, cheers.
Speaker 3:Bye-bye, bye, bye, bye.
Speaker 1:Bye, bye, bye, bye. Got that wild, here I go. Here I go, coming. I can't ever stop I'ma tour the forest running, get me to the top. I don't need a invitation, knock, knock, I'm about to start a celebration. Let me in Brought a good time. Put some friends. Turn it up loud past ten.