3 Cocktails In
Addicting conversations between friends who have been there, done that and still want more.
We are 3 friends who got this crazy idea to start a podcast based on our friendships, family lives, professional lives and experiences! This idea kept coming up in our conversations, especially after a cocktail or two or maybe three, and we finally decided to ACT on it!
We don't claim to be experts on too many things, but friendship? Well, we've got that down. We're making our way through major life changes, searching for work that excites us, busting myths associated with 'old' people, and keeping a sense of humor about it all.
Self employed, boss - CHECK
Mom, wife, single - CHECK
Rural, suburban, urban life - CHECK
Vodka, gin, wine - CHECK
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Amy, Kitty & Stacey
P.S. Isn't our intro music great?! Yah, we think so too. Thank you, Ivy States for "I Got That Wow".
3 Cocktails In
Conversations That Spark Connection
We're not here to criticize but to express our genuine concerns for stars like Nicole Kidman and Ariana Grande, while also celebrating Demi Moore's radiant comeback. It's a candid chat with a splash of humor, aiming to highlight the importance of health and well-being in the spotlight.
Friendships—how do they evolve as we journey through different life stages? Reflecting on insights from Simon Sinek and Trevor Noah, we explore the fascinating dynamics of adult friendships and the effort required to nurture new bonds. Whether it's moving to a new city or transitioning through various phases of life, expanding our social circles can enrich our experiences. We delve into intriguing statistics and share personal anecdotes on the importance of maintaining diverse social circles, emphasizing the joy and growth that come from embracing new connections.
We wrap up the episode with a heartfelt celebration of connection and conversation. From striking up small talk to finding friends through shared interests, we share our personal stories and practical advice on overcoming hesitations in social settings. Ready to turn up the volume on life? We encourage you to seize every moment, embrace spontaneity, and revel in the collective joy of friendship and celebration. Join us for an episode filled with laughter, insights, and the irresistible urge to live life to the fullest.
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Amy, Kitty & Stacey
P.S. Isn't our intro music great?! Yah, we think so too. Thank you, Ivy States for "I Got That Wow".
All right, whoo, look, I got that. Wow, who wants some hessa right now? We got that. Turn it up loud. I know you're wondering how.
Speaker 2:I got that. Wow, here I go, here I go, coming. I can't ever stop. I'm a tour de force running. Get me to the top. I don't need a Hello, Get me to the top.
Speaker 3:I don't need a Hello, hello, missing Kitty. Oh, there she is.
Speaker 4:There she is. I was rocking out to the music. Sorry about that. Oh that's all right.
Speaker 5:That's all right. We're glad you're here. Thank you, as well as all of you who might be watching and listening. Welcome to Three Cocktails In with Amy, me, kitty and Stacey, three friends who have been there, done that and still want more. How is everyone? How are you? How is everyone?
Speaker 3:Good, I'm well. Yeah, I've not been well. Well, I don't have a drink. I have um some fresca tonight, but I'm on the mend, feeling much better today so many people have been sick.
Speaker 4:Yeah, oh, my gosh yeah well, we're glad you're feeling better.
Speaker 3:Yeah, I had a yucky stomach bug. Um husband has you know the crud, so we don't even have the same thing.
Speaker 5:So um, you know, I'm always reminded of the movie quote from devil wears prada, where emily blunt is uh, her character has got this horrible, horrible cold. And doesn't she say something like I'm just one good flu away from my goal weight?
Speaker 3:Yes, yeah, yes, it does work. Yes, it does work. It's not a pleasant diet, but it does work?
Speaker 5:No kind of like the colonoscopy prep diet. Yeah, way to thin down before that next event. So I just try and look glass half full glass half full, so completely off topic.
Speaker 4:but what we're talking about here just reminded me of this. I am very worried about Nicole Kidman.
Speaker 5:Did you finally see a picture of her from the side? She looks like a freaking toothpick.
Speaker 3:Yeah.
Speaker 5:It's a little worrisome.
Speaker 3:I'm with you. It seems like a lot of them. Have you seen the pictures of, like, ariana Grande? I mean, she literally is that and looks so much different, you know, so much thinner than she's always been.
Speaker 5:Teeny, tiny, yeah, they just are like bones sticking out everywhere yeah, I don't know what, maybe we saw the same reel, but I saw like a reel of nicole kidman and she had a blue dress on. It was like open from the side and draped, and she was walking and she was just looked so unhealthy yeah, yeah.
Speaker 4:Well, she was just at the Golden Globes and her dress was completely backless. She does not have an ounce of fat on her at all. So how old is she? Is she our age?
Speaker 5:Yeah, yeah she's pretty close. She's definitely in her 50s.
Speaker 3:Oh yeah, I think she's very near our age, yeah, and she's like 5'10", so she's so thin.
Speaker 4:She's so thin for I mean to be able to have a completely backless dress and your back is flawless. That's it's. I don't know.
Speaker 5:I'm good for her, but I don't know, you know what I saw, a different view of her from the side and the word flawless and good for her would never were the farthest thing from from what I was thinking. I thought she looked gone, unhealthy and frail. Those were the three words that I immediately went to when I saw the picture of her. Yeah certainly, frail, frail, definitely. So listen to us go on and on and on. I know we just want the best for her, yeah. I'm not, that's Nicole Kidman.
Speaker 4:Right, I'm not criticizing, I know we're not criticizing, but when you see somebody who's that thin because that I mean unless you're ill I think you have to work really hard to be that thin at whatever age. So that's where the concern comes from.
Speaker 3:Yeah, and then turn it around. Did you see Demi Moore on the Golden Globes? She looked awesome, yes she did.
Speaker 5:I've seen her on some interviews and stuff lately. She does look fabulous. I think it's nice to see her back. I do too Back in front of the camera, not her back like Nicole Kidman's no, that's right Back in front of the camera. Like Nicole Kidman's no, that's right To work with her back, see. So I think this ties in very, very nicely to what we're talking about tonight, and that is the importance of friends, of having friends, making new friends. That is kind of a project that we have committed to for 2025. An overarching, general idea that we are going to figure out how to make new friends. We talked about it a little bit, introduced this a little bit in our last episode, but now we kind of want to get into just those first. You know, baby steps, so to speak. So you know maybe a lot of you out there going why I got friends. I'm good, yeah.
Speaker 3:And so do we. You know, we do, yeah, yeah. Why do we need more friends? That's a good question.
Speaker 5:Well, we've had people write in and talk about. It's become a subject I personally had. I don't want to say I lost a lot of friends, but I went through a major life change. I moved. Oftentimes you have to. You see, you're well depleted. Your lifelines are perhaps a little fewer.
Speaker 4:Yeah, yeah, yeah. We go through different phases of life, when the kids are small and you're kind of surrounded by that whole community and well, even going back from there I mean, you know, we, many of us, what the people that we went to elementary school and high school were the same, and so you're, you know, you're making friends through that whole phase of your life. And then you, you go off to college or you go off to whatever is next, and you make new friends there and then, and then you have another transition, and then it's work friends and you make friends there. But oh, do these, you know, are these really going to be my, my best friends? Because you're going to change jobs and then you. So here we are.
Speaker 4:We find ourselves in our mid fifties and we've had a lot of conversations about this that it seems, even though we do have our strong network of friends, there's still a desire to meet new people and make new friends and you're not slighting your old friends. The old friends are always going to be your friends and they're very important, but there might be needs as a whole that aren't being met, that can be met by meeting some new people. So it's healthy and the thing is, and I think one of the reasons why we wanted this to be a longer topic and sort of be something that we talk about periodically through this year, is that it's not easy. It's not easy to just say, okay, I'm going to make new friends this year.
Speaker 5:Well, we shared some statistics last episode, where first adult friendships turn over every seven years that was.
Speaker 4:That was interesting, wasn't it?
Speaker 5:yeah, I thought that was really interesting. The other two that I thought were interesting is to go from a complete stranger to someone you'd call a friend takes 50 hours. To go from a complete stranger to a best friend, 200 hours. So this, like you said, this isn't something that I'm going to set out on today and in two weeks, get myself a new girl gang.
Speaker 3:Right, right, yeah, okay, yeah, and it's going to take some work.
Speaker 4:Yeah, yeah. So here's a thought that has gone through my mind that I'm going to put out there, because other people might be thinking this as well. I know that there have been times when I've met someone. I hope that I can articulate this. Well, I've met someone. I think, oh, they look interesting, I think that they might be a good friend, but honestly then I think about so, all of the history that we have and I think how in the world could I ever develop that with this person? Because I know what all it took to develop that with these people and I think do I have it in me? Is that awful?
Speaker 5:No, but that's very much something to consider. But that's very much something to consider. So Stacey and I and Kitty, we have watched a really great I want to say TED Talk, but it was a podcast interview with Simon Sinek and Trevor Noah. Stace, do you? I think you had watched that early on?
Speaker 3:I watched it last week. Yeah, it was interesting and the biggest takeaway I think I took from it was that, well, two groups. You cannot expect first of all your spouse to be everything for you. It's imperative that you have other friends and you know they gave the example. You know, as you know, for women, that you need to have women friends and it's even healthy to talk about your spouse. You know that's somebody that you're going.
Speaker 3:You know your girlfriend is who you're going to work through things right, same thing for work, how it's gone to and I think I suggested that last week, where there's not all these groups anymore, you know you don't have these groups. So you're trying to find work friends to take that you know, to fill that void too, which more than likely isn't going to work. For the reason you said, kitty, either you change jobs or they change jobs. You know it's not gonna be a forever thing. So you know the why is you need to find? You know that's a why you need to have friends, not just you know close spouse, family. You know, like us, we need others other than just us.
Speaker 5:Yeah, Well, two trains of thought here. So I'm remembering back to being a mom and my girls as they go through elementary school. You know how little elementary school friends they're best friends with somebody one day, they're not friends the next. Or your friends this year and next year you have a different teacher or the boundaries change and you go to a different elementary school. But then you've got dance friends and you've got church choir friends and you've got neighborhood friends that might go to a different, you know, maybe a private school.
Speaker 5:And we just always talked about the importance of having different groups of friends. So no matter where you're at, so no matter where you're at, you know someone, but also you have new stories to tell. And if you only have two friends or one spouse, what are you going to talk about? You exhaust everything. So part of what the research is showing is that we talked about it last week there are different types of friends. You have your community large group friends. You have your besties and you have the friends that like to do a certain thing that you like to do, the friends that like to do a certain thing that you like to do.
Speaker 5:So as the three of us talked about this. We kind of got into this idea that maybe the first step is that you think about who do you do things with and what might be missing in your life. Maybe you you know, I'm going to assume you love your husband dearly, if you have one, but what do you want to do that he does not want to do? What does he want to go do? That you'd really rather not, and you're quite okay with him going off, and maybe he needs to make new friends too. What's missing, yeah. So, Kitty, I don't think you have to have or expect that somebody new that you meet and a new friend that you meet becomes your friends from 30 years, Right?
Speaker 4:Yeah, yeah, and they're not necessarily going to um. So there are traditional things that we do. Yes, it's not necessary. So if I make a new friend, I'm not necessarily going to say, oh, you got to come to girls weekend with us. And I think that's a demonstration of saying, because there's so much history and there's just so much that's built over time, um, that plopping a new person in there, even though there's a really close relationship here developing, it's not. You don't have to do that.
Speaker 4:You don't have it and and that's what I need to remind myself that that's not what I'm doing, that's not why I'm setting out to um befriend someone new, um. So another thing, that, another roadblock that I put up from time to time. So when I went to, when we went to um, mark and Beth's party right before the holidays so we met a couple there that actually live a block over. Oh funny, we met a couple that lives a block over and we just hit it off and we were just, we were chatting and you know, just having a great time figuring out you know things that we had in common and, as I, you know, kind of moved on and then was starting to talk to somebody else. I kept looking at her across the room and then thinking she could be, she could be a new friend, and I actually said in my brain they probably already have enough friends. Oh gosh.
Speaker 3:No no no, um.
Speaker 5:So if you follow, if you guys follow making Up for Glossed Time, jen she's kind of makeup mid-50s influencer Quit her corporate job at 52 or 53 to become an influencer. And you talk about older and bolder this woman's bold, and I love it. Older and bolder this woman's bold, and I love it. But she got invited to a friend's son's basketball game or something, and so she went on a Saturday afternoon and there were a group of women there and, for whatever reason, she got seated next to this other woman and the two of them hit it off and they looked at each other and said, hey, I'm, we're really vibing here. We're supposed to be friends. And they made a coffee date. They had nothing in common, had never met, except for the one mutual friend that they weren't even sitting by, that didn't even try and introduce them.
Speaker 5:This was not a blind date, this was happenstance. This is like you and that couple at Beth's and they. They made it. They made a date to go have grab coffee in the morning and she said they talked for three hours. They're not in the same age group, they're you know, and and I think that as we talk about how we can get started with that. I think that that is part of it. You got to, you got to put the open for business sign out there. You gotta, you gotta put the open for business sign out there. Yeah, but I think we do have to. Why? Why would you assume they probably had enough friends? I, I don't know.
Speaker 3:Yeah, I think you have. I think you have two options there. You know they only live a block away you, you know you and she can jump in a car and go get coffee. However, it's also a couple. You know they're a couple, you and Bill and them can go out to dinner and maybe they invite you into their group. Maybe you know what I mean. I think you've got lots of options. He's very close. Amy's a half hour away from you. You know I'm a long ways from you. That close connection would be fun.
Speaker 3:Even if it is just coffee once a week.
Speaker 5:Or even if it's a barbecue in the summer, or hey, we're going down to Taste of Chaska. Do you want to go Meet you down there, or something?
Speaker 4:Yeah, so, and I think, I think that's a good point too, as we think about you know, if people, if people are listening to this and thinking you know, like Stacey, you said earlier, I have enough friends, these new people that we're meeting, they don't have to be the people that you're hanging out with every weekend, and I mean you know which I don't have to be the people that you're hanging out with every weekend and I mean, you know which?
Speaker 4:I don't know, we don't really do that Any any. You know. Remember when we were young and like, what are we doing this weekend?
Speaker 5:The whole gang did it, the whole crew. Whose house are we going to Exactly?
Speaker 4:So that that's a good point, that you know, maybe it's once a month or once every six weeks or whatever, but there's something about the person that is unique and that brings something different to you, and that's just a different relationship and it's filling something relationship. And it's filling something. It's filling some sort of need that that you have that isn't being fulfilled elsewhere, and there's nothing wrong with that right, that's right.
Speaker 5:We're not. We're not saying bump off an old friend and replace them with a new friend. No, yeah, it's like black shoes. You can never have too many pairs of black shoes. Correct, none of them are alike. There's a time and a place for all of them. Yeah, yeah, absolutely, yep, okay. So in the next month, let's think about what type of friend are we looking for. Let's think about what type of friend are we looking for. Stacey, maybe that's community for you. I could use some more social friends down here, people, because you guys are far away. I would love to meet some people who are living in my neighborhood that I can say hey, you want to just go grab a you know, hit happy hour over here and grab an appetizer. Or I need somebody to get up at eight o'clock with and go for a walk, sort of thing. So that's what I'm going to try and search for. Kitty, do you have any ideas of what what you might be trying to?
Speaker 4:um. So I do want to make more local connections and even though I've been here in this community for 25 years, um, and I feel like I know quite a few people, I just feel like I know quite a few people, but I don't necessarily have a friend group here, so, like you know, with this woman that's right over there, I would like to find some more friends that are right here in my community.
Speaker 4:Now that I'm running this business out of my home, it's going to be beneficial for me business wise as well to have more local connections. So so that's what. That's what I'm looking for.
Speaker 5:Okay. So people need to kind of think about what might be the type of friend they might be looking for. And we mentioned it before even if you think you don't need more friends, as a kindness, being kind to others in 2025, could you keep your eyes open for people who might be reaching out to you? You know this is obviously it's got to be two-way. So what Dr Miriam Kiermeier, who is a relationship expert, does studies on. She has suggested a few things that we need to do to practice, and it's my wish that we take the month of January and practice some of these things. So one of them is being open.
Speaker 5:So if you're going to say you want to meet somebody locally, Kitty, you want to get out of the house, maybe you decide you're going to go get coffee somewhere. When you're out and about, don't be buried in your headphones, don't be buried in your cell phone. Look around, you know, if you're sitting there having a cup of coffee, don't bury your head in the book. I mean, it's okay to read a book, but you know, put it down, look around, say hi, greet somebody Like your bag, like your purse. So that's first thing. Put out the vibe that says hi, I'm here, I'm friendly.
Speaker 5:The second thing that she said is look for micro connections. So maybe you're not all out introducing yourself. You know, like the lab that wags the tail, hi, look at me, hi, hi, how are you? You know, I want to be your friend. Um, oh, my god, have you guys seen that funny reel about the adult? It's the adult woman who pretends to be the little snot nose kid that you run into everywhere and she's always like wearing swim goggles and she's always like coughing on you. You want to be my Fred, I need a Fred, but you know, super funny, I'm going to share that one with you guys. But look for those opportunities when you can say to somebody you're standing in line, you're at Target. Oh, I haven't tried that before. Is that good? Yeah, I joke about channeling my inner Janet. My mom talked to everyone, didn't matter who they were, where we were at, what we were doing.
Speaker 4:She was drawing people into some sort of conversation yeah, and I think when when you do that, it's easy to pick up on if it's not being well received. Yeah, so, um, the nice thing is that it's just a, it's just a quick little comment that you know. If it's not, you're out of there.
Speaker 5:Yeah, and in many ways you're just practicing. She said you have practice, so you have to practice saying to somebody, oh, I like your necklace, you know. And they say, oh, thank you, and maybe they some say something back and maybe they don't. Good for you. You just approach somebody and you said you made a comment first. Right, we're never going to be perfect at it the first time that we do it and we got to build up to that time where we say I'm Amy, you know I don't. I see you in the. You know I see you down by the pool all the time, but I don't think we've ever met.
Speaker 4:Yeah, so then, likewise, it's probably good to practice being on the receiving end, so you know picking up on when somebody does it to you, you know not being surprised by it, but just you know respond.
Speaker 3:Yeah, have the conversation instead of, you know, acting too busy or too uninterested or you know whatever, and letting them get away. Yeah, I will say, you know, we're talking about practicing, doing this, you know, as we go further. I think it's going to be a challenge. I think we have some failures. I hate to say it, but I think you know what I mean. I think it's harder work than um, you know. Then we all think it will be oh.
Speaker 5:I think it'll be hard, but I'm not going to think about them as failures. You know you gave it a try. That one didn't work.
Speaker 3:There's, there's a lot of people out there. You go, you go, do it again. Yep, yeah, yeah.
Speaker 4:Yep.
Speaker 5:Um, anything else you think you, we, we should do as practice, as practice. I do think that one of her suggestions was A little connection is better than zero connection. So being able to have a small, short conversation is perfect. It's just perfect, um, the idea that, uh, this person doesn't have to meet every single need that you have yeah which means this person doesn't have to be mid-50s, right?
Speaker 5:if you're both, if you find yourself I'm gonna come back to this whole coffee thing if, because people who love coffee love coffee, they go to the same place, they order the same thing, you know, perfect opportunity, you've got something in common to talk about. To try and go to the same place at the same time, yeah.
Speaker 4:Yeah, yeah, that's it. That was a really good tip Um on one of the podcasts that I was listening to, because then you are, you're creating that thing that you have in common and you're seeing them and they're seeing you and that might make them a little bit more receptive to it as well. You're not just this odd, you know person I've never seen before, that spoke to me today.
Speaker 5:Yeah. So, and maybe the first time you speak to them it's just hey. And then the next time you say hey, what did you order? And then the third time, you. You know it's not all up front.
Speaker 3:Yeah, right.
Speaker 3:Don't be afraid to be the first one that talks. You know, don't be afraid to be the first one that talks. You know, don't be afraid to be that person, because you know I chuckle again at your, you know your example with the people that live a block away. You have no idea, you know they're probably I'll bet you a hundred bucks that they're looking for friends, just as bad as you and bill, for instance and you hit it off. I think that's. You know what I mean. And maybe in one of these connections that you have with someone, that's really fast. Who knows, maybe they take the lead. That'd be fun, wouldn't it? If they say, oh, my gosh, you know, yes, I've been looking for someone to. You know, get together, that'd be lucky, but it'd be, it'd be fun. So we'll see.
Speaker 4:Yeah, you know, we, we do this in business all the time. When you're um networking, we go to places where there are other people that we have something in common with, whatever the association is or whatever the event is, and then, in a more meaningful way, if we are looking specifically to make a connection at a specific company, it's common everyday activity that we would ask somebody hey, do you know somebody at OUDo? Would you make an introduction for me? Yeah.
Speaker 5:So I fully expect that you're going to call Beth and say hey, beth, what is that couple's name? Do you have their phone number? I want to give them a call.
Speaker 4:Exactly.
Speaker 5:Yeah, I'll tell you guys. Well, you two have heard the story, I'm sure. But the delegate from Texas became part of the delegate from Texas from the broad squad because Tricia and I had daughters that went to the same dance class class and we sat in the same lobby at Chanhassen rec center for like four weeks looking at each other, kind of doing the old huh, she's by herself, oh she's by herself, she's chasing a kid, oh she's pregnant. You know, back and forth. And then we both happened to finally be and there was there was oftentimes it was just the two of us there and we both finally were up at the counter writing our bill. And you know, we talked a little bit and I just looked at her and said, hey, we're going to go get food at Burger King. Do you want to come with us? She's like, yeah, I do.
Speaker 5:Turns out she'd moved here from Texas. She didn't know anybody other than a few neighbors and a couple people from church, and that was the start of a friendship. And you know, we didn't live in the same neighborhood, I. All we had in common was one kid was at the same dance class. Yeah, and we're lifelong friends now.
Speaker 3:Yeah, yep, you just have to do it, take a risk, have a conversation.
Speaker 5:So somebody wrote in and said where do we find these people? So let's just throw out some ideas here. Where in your daily life do you think that you could find somebody that you could say hey to? I already said, I'm going to be, I'm going to be Miss Friendly in my elevator. Watch out people, I'm coming for you, look out.
Speaker 4:It's real easy for me. I guess I'm going to have to go to the coffee shop.
Speaker 5:You're going to have to not go through the drive-thru. You're going to have to go to the coffee shop. You're going to have to not go through the drive-thru, you're going to have to go in.
Speaker 4:I know, yes, I can do that and I've got, you know, starbucks and Caribou and the local place and the new local place. There's a new local place downtown. So, yes, that's where I'm going.
Speaker 5:All right. What about you Stace? Where are you going?
Speaker 3:I haven't a clue, I really don't. I've mentioned, you know, I would like to, you know, form a local group. I'm not so sure the group thing, I don't know what the group would be.
Speaker 5:You know what I mean Are you thinking like a club of some sorts a um like some sort of organized. Are you looking for just local friends?
Speaker 3:local friends, yeah, local friends, yeah. So yeah, I'm gonna have to, you know, and I have a lot of um. What do I want to say? I can't, I don't know what you'd call them. You know what do you call a friend that you know and you talk to? You know, a handful of times a year. You know what I mean. So maybe even for me it's diving deeper into those friendships, diving deeper into those and getting together more often, maybe, yeah, something along those lines.
Speaker 5:Yeah, Somebody that I was listening to said part of this. Discovering what you need is and it was to combat loneliness. And while there's difference of being alone, being lonely and wanting to have new friends, I think this holds true regardless of where you're at when you find yourself wanting someone to talk to. Is it someone to excuse my language, shoot the shit with, or is it someone to have a deep heart to heart talk with? Is it somebody that you you want to go antiquing with and hit the hit the weekend shops, because those are always fun? Is it somebody you want to have over for dinner? Right, and, and really trying to figure out what you'd like more of I think will help figure out where you go?
Speaker 3:yeah, yeah, I agree, I agree. Are you looking for someone to go out on saturday night with? You'd like more of? I think will help figure out where you go. Yeah, yeah, I agree, I agree. Are you looking for someone to go out on Saturday night with? Are you looking to have, you know, like you said, coffee on Tuesday morning? Are you looking for, you know?
Speaker 5:I wonder if you could Stace. Do you have like? Is that um?
Speaker 3:stace. Do you have like? Is that um?
Speaker 5:juniper is that open every weekend um most weekends? Yeah, that would be a fantastic place to go sit for an hour with your knitting. Yeah and uh.
Speaker 3:Good, you know giant I have had that idea. In fact, it probably won't knit. I will sit at the bar because there's always a bunch of people around the bar and what the funny thing about it is. And honestly, you know I'm joking, I haven't been there for maybe a year, but I know the people that are there. I, you know, I know who they are. We're small enough town I know who they are that frequent it. Um, you know, and that's it. It would just take a conversation.
Speaker 5:Oh my god I would be at that place every single week. I would too.
Speaker 5:It is so darling, it is cute yeah, yeah, it's cute um, the idea, what I mentioned with knitting would be you would attract people with the same interests, so maybe you don't have to go to a bowling alley, yeah. But if you do like any sort of crafting thing like that, bring it with you. That is a commonality that you can talk to somebody about. If you know how to knit or you want to knit or you want to crochet and you see someone doing it, what a perfect thing to say is I have always wanted to learn how to do that and they'll let them talk to you about it.
Speaker 5:Yeah, people love to share what they know. You know, if you've been in the house all day with teenage kids who have told you you don't know anything, how delightful would it be to be out in the world and say you know somebody? If you've been in the house all day with teenage kids who have told you you don't know anything, how delightful would it be to be out in the world and say you know somebody, come to you for advice and believe what you tell them.
Speaker 3:So all right, do we have a plan? Good ideas, we do have a plan. I have my marching orders.
Speaker 4:I have to go to the coffee shop.
Speaker 3:Yep, you, yep, you do well, remember, you even have a history with that, remember your, you know pre-covid coffee group. So yes, and made friends as friends that's right it can be done.
Speaker 5:Yep, okay, and now stacy, you are gonna get your fanny down to. I am. What is that place called? I always want to call it olive and june, and that's not it. It's juniper and olive juniper and olive.
Speaker 3:Yes, so just like a gin tonic. Yeah, yeah, so to describe it, it's a fancy cocktail cafe. Yeah, kind of yes, because they have some food, they have charcuterie, you know, and really fancy craft cocktails. So yeah, and it's yeah beautiful in there yeah, but it's not a fancy place.
Speaker 5:You don't have to be fancy to go.
Speaker 3:Oh, no, you do not have to.
Speaker 5:No, no, we went once without makeup on and then when we came back we didn't realize we'd been there earlier that day.
Speaker 4:We got all cleaned up and we walked in and every head in the place turned and said, oh well, hello. And then we were almost late for the wedding.
Speaker 5:Yeah, we were, we actually. Yeah, we were at the very back.
Speaker 4:All right, okay, anybody got a shot?
Speaker 3:I do you right? Okay, anybody got a shot.
Speaker 4:I do, you do Good, Okay. So something that I watched this last week because I love watching documentaries during the, during the day, there is I mean I think it's new a new little documentary on the Brat Pack. Oh, yep, have you seen?
Speaker 5:it? No, I haven't. I mean, I've seen it advertised, I've not yet watched it.
Speaker 4:Yeah, so it was produced and narrated by Matthew McCarthy. Andrew Andrew, andrew McCarthy. Andrew Andrew, andrew McCarthy. There we go. So the Brat Pack being him, rob Lowe, molly Ringwald, basically the whole crew from the Breakfast Club St.
Speaker 4:Elmo's Fire St Elmo's fire it's almost fire, yeah, those kind of, and so it was really it was. So it was interesting to learn that they all kind of took offense at that when the term was coined for them, yeah, and so he kind of got everybody they were never all together at the same time. He went and visited people where they live and talked about the good old days, and it was just. It was very cool to see all of the actors now and just kind of see them reconnect and just kind of talk about what it was like in Hollywood back in the eighties. So that was fun. Yeah, very cool. Put that in your queue.
Speaker 5:Put that in your queue and watch it.
Speaker 4:And I. I really want to tell you the other thing, that Bill and I just completely binged. Um, I don't know how you're going to feel about it.
Speaker 5:If it's Dr Pimple Popper, I'm out. Yeah, no.
Speaker 4:We binged the entire two seasons of Squid Game.
Speaker 3:Oh, I've tried to start it and I just you know so good, so, good, so good.
Speaker 5:Really.
Speaker 4:Now, keep in mind, kitty loves to watch people fall and she likes horror movies, so uh, I mean it is, it is bloody, it is violent, for sure, um, but I was just fascinated by it, so anyway, okay um, there you go, another wreck from Kitty yeah, so now I'm coming in real hot with my shot for the week.
Speaker 5:Okay, which is good earth sweet and spicy caffeine free tea. It is really good. Good Earth is a restaurant here. They have it with caffeine, but they have without.
Speaker 3:And this has become my go-to drink at night, when I can't have any more Diet Coke and I don't want water. Does it come in a bottle?
Speaker 5:or are we talking tea?
Speaker 3:bag, tea bag.
Speaker 5:I'll be right back.
Speaker 3:So hot tea, okay, she'll be back with her hot tea. Yeah, I have. No, I can't think of any. I got nothing, I've been sleeping for a week and yeah, I don't know, Nothing here it is, here it is, oh good earth.
Speaker 5:Sweet and spicy. So it's orange and cinnamon. Oh, it's really good. They do regular and caffeine free okay, that sounds good.
Speaker 3:Thank you for the tip yeah, you know, it's still winter here yeah, I have my tea in the morning, you have yours at night.
Speaker 5:Yeah, I have my Diet Coke in the morning.
Speaker 3:Yeah, have you ever had tea with turmeric in it. Yes, it's supposed to be good for you. Thumbs down.
Speaker 5:I would rather just take the turmeric supplement.
Speaker 3:Anything other than drink it because it's not good, no, it's kind of bitter.
Speaker 4:I've been very tempted to grab those supplements that Dr Mary, mary Claire Haver, mary Claire, yes, I have a number of them.
Speaker 3:Okay.
Speaker 4:Yep, well, there was one that was a combination of, like the three things that she says are a must.
Speaker 5:Vitamin D and K or E. Yep, she's got the one together, yeah.
Speaker 3:Magnesium, maybe Do you order it from her site, or do you just figure it out and get it. No, I've ordered it from her site, from her site. Okay, good to know, it's a good one.
Speaker 5:Yep, I like her collagen powder. I ordered that. That actually has a little bit of a lemon lemonade flavor to it, so and the scoop of it is like a teaspoon. You know, it's a small scoop and that goes perfect in a smoothie. So the only time I eat cottage cheese is in a smoothie, when I can blend the crap out of it and not be grossed out by the texture and that adds just enough flavor with with fruit in there, that that tastes really good. I've got the fiber one and I'm thinking of the protein creatine thing. Okay, let us know, it slays me how she talks about packing to go on a trip and she puts all those powders in one thing. I'm like how can you drink that?
Speaker 3:But she does Yep Interesting.
Speaker 5:That seems like way too much space in my luggage. No, she just puts in a little Tupperware like this big, she mixes them all together and then just scoops out of that. Now my thought is, if I'm going to try that, I need to do that on a day I'm home, because if something goes wrong and I'm at the office, that could be a problem, because if something goes wrong and I'm at the office, that could be a problem. Okay, I don't think you want to experiment with a whole bunch of powders and supplements, yeah, and then go to work yeah.
Speaker 5:Probably not Go to work, right, yeah, yeah, yeah. So All right yeah. Yeah, so All right, all right, peeps, everybody go say hi to someone. Yes.
Speaker 3:Say hi, start a conversation. That's right. Yeah, all right.
Speaker 5:So maybe, like the first week in February, we'll come back to this idea and see what has transpired over the course of like three weeks.
Speaker 3:Yeah, and send us your story. You know, if you try it, dm your story on how it went what worked, where you found your people? Yeah, yeah, exactly yeah.
Speaker 4:Exactly.
Speaker 5:All right, Cheers everyone. Hope you have a great see you next week all right, I got that.
Speaker 1:Wow, who wants some heads right now? We got that turn it up. Wants some heads up right now? We got that Turn it up loud. I know you're wondering how.
Speaker 2:I got that. Wow, here I go, here I go, coming. I can't ever stop. I'm a tour de force running. Get me to the top. I don't need an invitation. I'm about to start a celebration. Let me in Brought a good time for some friends. Turn it up loud past 10.