3 Cocktails In

Recapping Amy's & Stacey's Unforgettable Parisian Adventure

Amy, Kitty & Stacey Season 1 Episode 40

Ever wondered how a spontaneous phone call could turn into a dream vacation? That's exactly what happened when Amy called Stacey with an impulsive idea: a 10-day escape to France. Promising unforgettable experiences and well-planned spontaneity, we take you through the rollercoaster of emotions, logistical hurdles, and pure excitement of booking direct flights, opting for Comfort Plus seats, and finally stepping onto French soil. This episode is all about real-life adventures and the joy of making the most of every moment.

Imagine navigating the charming streets of Paris as English speakers, figuring out the metro system, and indulging in wine and cheese tastings that we'll never forget. The Eiffel Tower and the Louvre weren't just tourist spots; they were milestones in a meticulously planned journey. We share practical travel tips, from choosing taxis or uber over metro rides for added comfort to the invaluable advice of getting ample rest. Whether you're a seasoned traveler or planning your first overseas trip, these insights could turn your trip into an unforgettable adventure.

But it's not just about the places we visited; it's about the people we traveled with. The dynamics of traveling with a friend can make or break a trip, and we dive into the importance of flexibility and communication. Of course, no journey is complete without a few laughs and hiccups—thanks a lot, Google Maps! And as we wrapped up our escapade, we celebrated with unbridled enthusiasm, embracing every moment with a lively, festive spirit. Tune in and get ready to feel the energy and excitement of living life to the fullest.

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Amy, Kitty & Stacey

P.S. Isn't our intro music great?! Yah, we think so too. Thank you, Ivy States for "I Got That Wow".

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Speaker 1:

All right, look, I got that. Wow, who wants some heads up right now? We got that. Turn it up loud. I know you're wondering how I got that. Wow, here I go. Here I go, coming. I can't ever stop. I'm a tour de force running. Get me to the top. I don't need an invitation. I'm about to start a celebration.

Speaker 2:

Well, good evening, or good evening, it is evening when we're recording this right now. Hello everyone, Welcome to another episode of Three Cocktails In Bonjour. So everyone should know that this literally is the first time that the three of us are seeing each other and talking to each other, since, since our French escapade yes, had their French escapade. So that's what we're going to talk about today, and we had a little hiatus, for sure.

Speaker 2:

A little hiatus. Yes, so I'm. I think we should just get right into it, because the three of us haven't talked. I have not heard anything from the trip except seeing photos, which were so fun. So, to give everybody sort of a little recap, amy and Stacey took a little jaunt to Paris. How many days have you been back we?

Speaker 4:

got back on the 10th.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah. So a little more than a week, a week and a half.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so you're, you're still dreaming of it, actually.

Speaker 4:

I'm really excited for tonight because I jumped right back into work the very actually. When I got home I turned my computer on and I have worked every single day since then, so I haven't really even had time to sit and think about it. And I've got a friend coming over tonight and I'm going to share mementos and photos, so I'm super excited to have this little recap.

Speaker 2:

Okay, all right, perfect. So let's set the stage a little bit. So tell us, tell us where you went exactly.

Speaker 3:

We went to Paris. Okay, for most of the time. So, on the, on the, we arrived the morning of the 2nd July 2nd, and we were there.

Speaker 4:

what five nights we went to our second stop, annacy, on sunday on sunday the 7th the 7th.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, we were there, you know, six nights in in paris, and then we took a train southeast to a little lake town called Annecy. Yeah, far from the city, yep.

Speaker 2:

Okay. So what inspired you to take this trip? How did it come about and how did you like say all right, yes, we're doing it, let's look it.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, amy called in one day. Well, we've talked about going to Europe somewhere anyway. But she called me one day and said, hey, let's go to France. And I said, okay. I didn't even ask what the day was, I just said yep.

Speaker 4:

I said no, I'm serious. I've looked online, I can. I found cheap flights, direct flights to Paris. I want to go over 4th of July and I know that they usually Stacey, usually does stuff over 4th of July at her lake cabin or at her house on the lake.

Speaker 3:

My family was like wait a minute, you're going to be gone the 4th of July. How dare I?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 4:

Yes, okay, and so somehow I was able to finagle 10 days off and only had to take five days of vacation. Okay, so that you know, when you only get two weekends a year and you can't use them back to back, um, it was. It was kind of like, okay, stars are starting to align, and so, yeah, so that's how we ended up in Paris. It was direct flight, it was affordable, the going and the coming had great, great flights we could choose from.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 4:

So it was a little bit convenient. I mean, yeah, convenient, I don't know. But you know, easy, it was easy to go get there and get back, yeah okay.

Speaker 2:

so one of the things that we talked about leading up to your guys's trip was the whole preparation process. And it's so funny too, because I just listened to another podcast recently and I want to say that it was maybe a Mel no, was it a Mel Robbins, I don't remember, but it was. They were talking about that. That it's not a phenomenon, but that situation where the planning process is is really significant when you're when you're when you're always having things to look forward to, right, very important. So I'm curious to know then, because we know you guys were excited, we knew that you were you were doing some planning, you're doing some, some preparation, you know, analyzing things, what were we going to do when, et cetera. How did it feel when you, when you first landed in Paris, those doors open? How did you feel?

Speaker 4:

Well, I want to back it up just just one minute. We got on the plane and, um, I had booked us seats in, uh, comfort plus, okay. So these weren't the bougie ones, these weren't the laid on flat, they weren't even the business whatever where you can extend the the legs and whatever. And I had. I worked really hard following those flights to see if I could get us the next step up, and then we were like, ah, screw it, we'll just sit where we were. We had great seats, there was nobody in front of us, there was that wall, so we had plenty of leg room. So that was awesome. Neither one of us slept on the flight more than like an hour and a half. A little bit. That was not good. No advice, dope yourself up on the flight over because it was excited.

Speaker 3:

We were just so excited. Eight hours, eight hours, yeah, okay. And and we left, you know, 4, 30 us time pm, 4.m. 4.30 pm. So we weren't really ready to sleep.

Speaker 4:

You know what, I mean, yeah, that was yeah. It was a little weird, but what I thought was cool about landing, Stacy got off before me and we had to go out the plane and down the stairs onto the tarmac to get on buses to take us into the terminal and I was like, well, this is a little different, you know.

Speaker 4:

And then we got totally jammed, totally squished on this bus to take us and my thought to myself was better get used to it. This is what I hear, what the metro system is like. Now I've had all right game on. We are in Paris we're doing it.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and the metro was like that some of the time not all of the time, but some of the time it was packed. You'd shuffle on and shuffle off. Yeah, packed yep.

Speaker 4:

So we made a good decision. Once we landed, got through everything, just fine, and decided we were going to take a taxi to our hotel. We weren't going to try and figure out the metro at that point, yeah. And everything we read said just do the taxi, forget about the Uber sort of thing. So we did Slick, walked on in, dropped our bags off cute hotel stacy. Is there anything you want to say about the hotel?

Speaker 3:

say about the hotel?

Speaker 4:

no, it was tiny, and my research remember how much shit you gave me the last time because, no, the hotel was very good, right.

Speaker 3:

But at one point I said, cause we had Amy, had the flights booked right Real early, and it was getting down to, I think, less than a month. No, we were still over a month. Oh, no, no, no, I'll go back to the day, it was a month at the most. And it's like are we ever? And we've looked at a hundred hotels? I swear, right, and I finally got to the point. It's like, no, I finally got to the point. It's like you know, pick I. I didn't care, I know she was going to pick something good. It's like we won't know any difference, so book something, cause we won't know any difference. So book something, because we won't know the difference. And it was good. I think some of the previous ones would have been equally as good, but again, it took a while to get to the right one and it was a good area, really nice area.

Speaker 4:

Yes, nice area Super. The rooms were tiny, tiny. Don't even think about your primary bedroom, where your bedroom is right now. Think about the average bedroom in your home 10 by 12, 10 by 14.

Speaker 3:

Not the master, but the other. Okay.

Speaker 4:

That's the size of the hotel room, or less or less. I literally I had two twin beds that were put together, each with their own, you know, sheets and stuff, but put together, and I literally had to had to do this to get between the foot of the bed and the wall, to get to the other side. So so it was tiny and the bathrooms tiny, but great water pressure, good products.

Speaker 3:

So that's Fairly nice and new, Like I felt, like the bathroom was new remodeled maybe. But I think I've stayed at some tiny places in New York City, some older hotels or tiny you know tiny room. So yeah, yeah, so we expected that.

Speaker 4:

So that brings me to a piece of advice. So now we got two pieces of advice dope yourself up on the flight over so that you can be rusted when you wake up. Two if you're going with friends, get your own hotel rooms. It's really the first time we have, kind of every time we go somewhere, yeah, airbnb we should. You know, it's often that somebody will share a room. Hell, we've been friends forever. It doesn't bother us at all, yeah, except this?

Speaker 3:

yeah, that would have been a lot and we always just went to our own room and, you know, relaxed yeah yeah, so that's the second piece of advice, yeah.

Speaker 2:

So, yeah, traveling with friends it's different than traveling with your family. It's a completely different dynamic, and I wanted to talk about that a little bit because I mean, one of the things that we're consistently talking about here on the podcast is getting out and doing things and enjoying your friends and doing you know, um, doing the things that you always talk about doing. But you're like, oh, someday, someday I'll do that, but these are great things to do with with friends. So how did you?

Speaker 2:

yeah do it? How did you two plan your days Like how? How did you decide what you were going to do?

Speaker 3:

Um know, yeah we pre-booked some things. We knew we wanted to do so. A week and a half before we left, or so maybe a week, we pre-booked some experiences and tours and got our tickets for the museums and that kind of thing ahead of time. So we kind of of knew you know, this day we're going to do this, this day we're going to do this, you know. And then we filled in the rest with whatever.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, Did you two find that you wanted to do the same things? Or was one person like, oh, I want to do this, and the other person like mm-mm.

Speaker 3:

No, because that can happen. We agreed ahead of time um, yeah, you know. Oh, that was going to be my thing, like I told my girlfriends today, because we all met today that airbnb has an experience section. Everybody should check that out that's awesome I didn't know that was a thing before.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, looking around, I'd never used it, but both my sister and Madeline, my oldest, who had been to Paris in the last five years, had both booked different experiences through Airbnb and I found did we do three of them or did two of our things come through?

Speaker 3:


Speaker 4:

I think, two, oh, at least two, yeah, I think, the museums we booked on the side just with the yeah, the museum I thought they were great and they were small and personable and, um, you know, so, we, we picked, like the one thing, like stacy said, and then we built the day around that in that area. Okay, so we kind of had some different areas that we wanted to go to. Um, we made, we, as in me, made one small mistake and I don't know, stacy, if you'd even consider it a mistake we did that night, the museum day, the museum day, we walked 12 miles. We did that was a long day that was this.

Speaker 4:

Was that the third day we were there? Maybe the third? The third day? Yeah, yeah, that was great, but oh my god, so tired. Yeah, so there's a lot of walking. Oh, that brings me to my advice number three. Okay, you know how, when you go on vacation, especially to a hot place, we thought that we would like come home from our day of sightseeing and rest a little bit and take a shower and then go out for dinner. Nope, I think we did it once or twice we did, you know considering, I think we did it once or twice.

Speaker 3:

We did, you know, considering I think we did it once or twice. Yeah, oh yeah, the one I think the museum day was like I'm done I'm done, so it was good it was awesome, but oh like no, yeah, we just ended up eating on the way home.

Speaker 4:

So with that idea is I came home, I bought those packing cubes. Great idea. Never used them before. I will never go anywhere without packing cubes, ever again.

Speaker 3:

That's my next purchase, amazon purchase.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, what is a packing cube?

Speaker 4:

Oh, oh, my God, kitty, it's going to change your life. Yep, okay, they're um and I'll, and I'll share the link of the one I bought because I liked them. They weren't, you know, super expensive. Yeah, they're different sizes of zipper compartments that you can put all your clothes in, zipper, it shut and then you just have these cubes in your side of the suitcase so your clothes aren't falling all over the place. So if you just need to get socks out, they're in this bag. If you just need to get socks out, they're in this bag. If you just need to get this out, there in that bag.

Speaker 4:

And when we got up to go from Paris to the other place, I was able to put all my dirty clothes in one zip bag. So then I didn't ever have to get into that ever again. But my point about how we didn't go out for dinner anywhere was that I came home with a whole, a whole, probably 11, 14 with probably six shirts, two dresses, um, two wraps that I never used. I didn't need those. So I way over packed because I took a big suitcase. I'm like, oh, I've got room those.

Speaker 2:

So I way over packed because I took a big suitcase I'm like, oh, I've got room, yeah, no, no, no, not doing that again, got a little heavy. I feel like we always I say we always over pack yeah, well, in our defense, we were not sure.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, we weren't sure. Are we gonna need long sleeves or you know what's the weather gonna to be like? We didn't know what 72 in the middle of paris was going to feel like.

Speaker 4:

Yeah you know what I mean.

Speaker 3:

It was a little cool in the morning and warm in the afternoon, for sure warm enough for short sleeves or sleeves. So then we were you know, what do we, what do we put on?

Speaker 4:

well, my problem is always oh, I'm gonna have to take the bigger suitcase, so I might as well throw more things in. Yeah, with these packing cubes you could actually have, because you know, if you take a big suitcase and you don't fill it, crap flies all over the place and it's a mess. With the packing cubes that wouldn't happen, and then I wouldn't have had to buy an extra bag to carry some of my stuff home.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 4:

You know bummer that I had to buy a really pretty green handbag to put stuff in Unfortunate, yeah, okay.

Speaker 2:

So Paris when you think about Paris, you know you get a vibe. It's got all of this charm. It's very romantic. You get a vibe, it's it's got all of this charm, it's very romantic. Um, was there anything about Paris in particular that surprised you, anything that really like oh, I wasn't expecting this.

Speaker 4:

I was not okay. I think I said that in one of my posts. I was expecting that we were going to try that somebody was going to try and pickpocket us or scam us, because that's all over Instagram. Yeah, it is. We did not have, we didn't even see one scammer. We didn't have anybody try and pickpocket us. I at no time felt unsafe walking around.

Speaker 3:

We might have seen two homeless people. I expected it to be more big city, you know.

Speaker 1:

Hardly ever saw that.

Speaker 3:

Fairly clean. You know, we were worried about how dirty it was going to be. No clean, yep, we were worried about how dirty, it was going to be no Clean.

Speaker 2:

Yep, how were the interactions with people who live there Did?

Speaker 4:

everybody speak English. I think the only time you ran into an issue is when you had a question about the Metro ticket and the woman wouldn't talk to you.

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah, that's the only time I went up to the customer service and I said do you speak English? She said no, turn around.

Speaker 2:

I had that exact same experience in Rome. It was the ticket late, it was a help, a help person at the. Metro. Yeah, she was like no, I am not going to help you.

Speaker 4:

Her life's going to be a living hell, starting now through the end of the.

Speaker 3:

Olympics, yeah, oh yeah, Right, he's going to get asked a ton of questions. Yeah, and, and we're just. You know, we figured the Metro out after the first time.

Speaker 4:

It was just you had to be there and see it, and oh yes, that that surprised me, that it turned out to be as easy as it was.

Speaker 2:

yeah, it really was easy yeah, yeah, it was cool and so like is. Are things written in english as well as in french?

Speaker 4:

um, you don't really need it written in english because it's the. It's the drawing of where the line goes, with all of the stops labeled. Okay.

Speaker 3:

And so each end point, you know so, like one one that we wrote a lot. One end was what, bologna, and the other one was Austerlitz. You know, we just knew those were the ends. So that's how you got which direction you were going, yeah, and then sortie, that's exit. So we just I, yeah, and then sortie, that's exit. So we just I don't. That's probably not even how you say it, but we always did so that's how we knew where to get out.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, you know, other than that, no you didn't need to and it really did help. Everywhere you go and and I've noticed this here so that you know that's always interesting when you come back from a trip, to compare, especially because I do live in a city and I have walked around a little bit you greet everyone you see in Paris with a bonjour, bonjour, bonjour, bonsoir, bonne nuit. You know, whatever everybody you stop in a shop and you automatically do it, and I've noticed we don't do it here.

Speaker 4:

You wouldn't just walk in a shop and see somebody go it and I've noticed we don't do it here. You wouldn't just walk in a shop and see somebody go, oh, hello, hello. You don't go into the grocery store and soon as you see a worker go, hello, hello. And you do there every time. Everybody interesting and I think we should. I mean, how nice, what a nice thing just have a smile and say hello, yeah, yeah yep, there were some.

Speaker 3:

Most of the time, I think, the waiters and waitresses spoke english, or tried to the one in the ice cream shop, she wanted us to speak english so she could learn what we were trying to say so she could practice. She was younger. Um, there's only a couple of times where it's like I got you know, yeah, they had nothing and weren't you know? Yeah, we're trying very hard, but otherwise, yeah.

Speaker 4:

I could not believe yeah, how much gelato they ate.

Speaker 3:

There was gelato stands everywhere everywhere two or three per block. Just every other place was gelato, so we had our fair share of ice cream.

Speaker 2:

Is that just a european thing in general? Because obviously it was the same way in italy, it was everywhere. So like how, maybe that's just a european thing yeah, well, I'm guessing they don't have quite.

Speaker 4:

Well, I don't know, what the hell do I know they sure use cows for cheese. Yeah, oh, my God, can we talk about one of our first experience? Yes, is that okay? We went to a wine and cheese tasting the first afternoon that we were there, thinking that would be a great idea. So then we'd know okay, here's something I didn't understand. In france you don't order wine according to grape, you order wine according to region. So where here we'd order a chardonnay, there they order get it chablis. You know what a horrible name chablis has for white wine. What's your first thought? 1970s crap wine or something?

Speaker 4:

no, it was very good it was really good because it was Chardonnay grapes from Chablis, so we did that. But then they gave us this whole tray of cheeses and Stacy and I are looking at it and we like cheese. We're looking and going. Is that mold on the rind?

Speaker 3:

There was one that was very green.

Speaker 4:

Oh hairy.

Speaker 3:

Hairy and green. Yes, hairy and green, but we liked it. Okay, we liked all of them. You know, for the most part, yes, you know, kitty.

Speaker 4:

I know you don't like to eat the edges of brie. No, this would have. I wanted to see you try this cheese. Oh yeah, just the edge yeah that was. That was fun and I'm really glad we did that, because we did buy some wine then, you know, going on and we pretty much knew what kind of wines to order. So that was fun, very fun.

Speaker 2:

So you know, as you envisioned the trip and I think anytime you think about a place like Paris, especially if you've not been there before, you have these iconic things in your mind. What were can you pick? Each of you pick them. What was a moment where you were like we're doing it, we're here? I never thought I would stand here, I never thought I would see this in you know, in real life. A pinch me moment or something? What pick one thing? I'm sure you had more than one, but oh yeah, stace, you go first.

Speaker 3:

Um, you know, going into it, I knew we would not have time to do everything, you know. So, back to when we planned it and planned our little things that we did, you know, or side trips as we had three and those things, I think we picked the most important things we really had to do. And then we had a couple other days, like the day we came back from Annecy. We had a pretty full day. We could have done, you know, a lot more. There were other times we could have done stuff.

Speaker 3:

Um, if I had to pick one thing, you know, I think the louvre would be definitely iconic. I don't think you could go and not go there. You know what I mean. Yeah, eiffel tower, um, you know, thanks to the olympics, has all the construction and stuff around it, so that was a little harder, but we did get pictures from afar, you know so. But I think the Lou was probably. I think you have to do that. However, I think I I can imagine what Amy's is going to be, which would probably be, oh yeah, probably be close second. I would say oh, that's interesting. I think it's the Louvre which will surprise me. I don't think that was probably your favorite.

Speaker 4:

I love the Louvre. That's the second time I've been, but I, you know, I told Stacey ahead of time you could plot me in any museum and I could spend the whole day there. So I've got no problem with that. I actually have two, I can't pick one. I actually have two, I can't pick one. Yeah, it's hard. The first I'm going to say is we went to Versailles the the very first full day and we rode bikes the whole day that was so cool.

Speaker 4:

Um, I'm a sucker for a palace with brocade and, and that's what I liked about the Louvre too. We went through um. So at the louvre we went through napoleon's napoleon and marie antoinette's um apartment, which was super cool. Same thing at versailles you got to go through um louis the 14th, 15, xvi that was their get out of Paris palace, so that was just super cool. So I loved Versailles. And then the other one we were just there for an hour but it was just tingly and that was the Dior gallery. Yeah, so we got to see Dior dresses from the 50s all the way to current day and they had these this staircase and it was glass um display, display and they had miniature dresses of everything miniature dresses purses, shoes, you shoes, you know all these.

Speaker 3:

Roaches tiaras, all of it.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, it was cool. Yeah, very cool, very cool. So those would be my two favorite. And then, and then I loved Annecy just because, oh yeah.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, so we went from Paris city, you know, to Annecy, beautiful you know what I mean Beautiful, the little. You know cobblestone. You know walkways, no cars right where we were. You know bridges. It had a canal, you know.

Speaker 4:

And a big lake so yeah, beautiful Kitty, I think we could have gotten you in that lake. It was crystal clear, you could see everything, everything. It was aquamarine, it was gorgeous all right, it was colder than hell.

Speaker 3:

It was cold. Yes, okay, that works.

Speaker 2:

That works, so um for our listeners and viewers. If you don't follow us on Facebook, make sure you follow us on Facebook, because Amy and Stacey did share some photos and some videos over there on our page. Three cocktails in so um go and.

Speaker 3:

I have a guest.

Speaker 2:

I have a guest a guest in your, your house, and one of them was you guys sitting in Monet's garden.

Speaker 4:

Oh, it was so yes, so fabulous.

Speaker 3:

Like I said, that would have been my Versailles and Giverny would be my two, and I couldn't choose which was better. Based on those two, yeah, Because that was so.

Speaker 4:

Oh my gosh, we have a hundred flower pictures yes, literally, and we kept taking pictures like what is this, what is?

Speaker 3:

this I don't. Yeah, we knew. Obviously we kind of both like flowers, so we knew a lot, but there'd be some that's like oh my gosh, what is that?

Speaker 4:

that's just beautiful and they didn't have any of those sticks. We were saying they really should have sticks in here.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, there was no markers anywhere, nothing. You know what would we say? Nothing other than the plants and a little bit of fencing and a bridge.

Speaker 4:

You know, yeah, nothing else yeah, that was a really beautiful day too. Yeah, it made me want a farmhouse. You know I'm not a farmhouse.

Speaker 3:

You know I'm not a farm person, but I'd love a farmhouse with an acre and a staff to weed it. Let's be honest.

Speaker 2:

For sure You've given lots of little pieces of advice. What, what other? What other advice would you give, particularly to you know, women who are thinking about, particularly to you know, women who are thinking about maybe they've never done a trip like this ever before going with a friend? What else would you tell or share?

Speaker 3:

On how to make it successful and not stressful. I don't know. Yeah, just do it. You know your question, where you know, was there something that one of us would do and the other one didn't want to? Like I said, we knew we were not going to get everything done and again, you don't know is this good, this bad?

Speaker 3:

Everything was fabulous. So there was never a. You know we don't want to do this. We never planned where we were going to eat. We just would go and oh, we're hungry, so we're. You know, we're going to eat here. Never found a bad place, so that's the thing we didn't plan, you know, is the restaurants we were going to eat at.

Speaker 4:

I would suggest if you wanted to go on a big new trip like this to pick one friend I don't think you could go to something like this with a large group Girls weekend it's. It's too much you would have to be able to go and you'd have to know ahead of time that we're not all doing things together. If we all have if we all want to go to the Louvre we're going to.

Speaker 4:

we're going to leave at this time and we're going to come home at this time and whatever you do inside of that, you have to be okay. But I think too many people would make it way too challenging for logistically.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 4:

It would get hard.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it would If you had more. You know, like if you had four or more, that'd be hard. You know, amy, and I could always keep track of each other Very and we didn't stand side by side the whole time.

Speaker 4:

I mean if you know, she was looking at buying some art and I didn't. I had looked there. I didn't, I looked there. I'm like I'm going around, I'm circling around. She's like okay, gotcha.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, with too many people, I don't know how you'd ever you know.

Speaker 4:

No, you'd have to really have some autonomy there. I will say that I did know that I wanted to go and I knew that by asking Stacy Kitty. Of course we asked you, but I knew you had a bunch of travel planned and you had already gone to Italy this year. So it's you know, I knew, I knew that that wasn't really going to probably be in the cards, but I do know with Stacy she and I have known each other long enough that we're like yeah okay, okay, okay.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, that's fine, and there were a couple of times when we enough that we're like yeah, okay, yeah, okay, okay, I'm over there, yeah, that's fine. And there were a couple times when we stopped and we're like, well, do you want to do this, do you want it? And we're like I don't think now I need to. Okay, so that was good. Yeah, can I tell about the one little tiff we had one night?

Speaker 3:

oh, what I was, yeah, and. But I want to say I did not feel very good that day, right? Yes, you can say why.

Speaker 4:

Yes, so this was tech. I'm going to say it was technology based was the root of the problem, and I shared a funny meme about two people using their Google Maps to get them where they need to be. About two people using their Google Maps to get them where they need to be and they start walking this way in one direction like 20 feet, and then they turn around and go the other way.

Speaker 4:

It happened to us literally every single time Stacey's got an Android. I was bullied into getting an Apple phone, like a year and a half ago, okay, for whatever reason, and Stacey really took it upon herself to map out how we were going to go on the Metro and how we were going to get places. Remember when I said I wanted to be passenger princess and she was good? Yes, I tried really hard, but then my type a control freak personality would kick in.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and by about Dave would get so mad at me because I would go one way and we'd have to turn around and go the other way. I said, fine, you do it.

Speaker 4:

I was never mad at you. I was mad at the phones.

Speaker 3:

I know it was never mad at you it was so irritating.

Speaker 4:

But one day it was towards the end of the day and Stacy was getting a little irritated and we figured out. The next day she really wasn't feeling well. But I looked at her and I started laughing. I'm like, oh, somebody a little hangry. I'm like, do we need to get you some food?

Speaker 4:

which we both needed food okay so we sit down and Stacy goes it's not just that you always make a plan and you never stick to it, never stick to it. And I went oh no, yep, you're probably right. I've lived by myself for the last three years. I do, I do change my mind all the time. And I apologized and I totally was aware of it, that the taxi thing.

Speaker 3:

She could not go ask the taxi driver how much it would cost to take us to somewhere. And I, just fine, I'll go ask him, you know, is it going to be? You know, because I had no idea, is this a $10 thing or is this a $50 thing? You know?

Speaker 1:

what I mean yeah.

Speaker 3:

Oh, she couldn't go ask him. Oh my gosh, I know I mean it's bound to happen.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, oh and I thought that was so minor, and you know, and she was right, she was right. I do say oh well, let's just turn here, yeah, so you have to allow each other grace.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 4:

And also, you know what, if it's bugging, you just say something.

Speaker 2:

Just say something.

Speaker 3:

We don't have that problem, that. Just say something. We don't have that problem.

Speaker 4:

That is for sure we don't have that problem If we don't like it, we're going to say it. I think we did a good job with that. Oh, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

So it was a great success. It took you guys a while for your first post to show up, so much so that and I probably wasn't, you know, doing the time calculation, and I was I was going to send you guys a message and say hello. Um, because I'm this is starting to feel like a taken moment here. Do I have to do? I have to get a little liam neeson, because you guys have vanished.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, you have to. We were probably really posting stuff when it was night for us, which was way later for you.

Speaker 4:

We were eight hours ahead. That's right.

Speaker 2:

I'm so glad that you guys had a blast and now you've got all of these wonderful memories. And I'm so glad that you guys had a blast and now you've got all of these wonderful memories and I'm quite certain that you brought something lovely back for me, so I look forward to getting that.

Speaker 3:

We actually did bring you back something. We do.

Speaker 4:

We have something for you but we have to see you to give it to you. I know Good, good. So this week I'm going to share, I'm going to try and upload all those little video snippets that we posted. I'm going to try and put them on YouTube Perfect, on our channel, okay. I mean, if you wanted to go and look or listen to those, you could see those, because I know a lot of people aren't on Facebook so they can hear those and kind of see where we're at. And then I'm trying to put a slideshow together, kind of of all the photos that we can drop a file in into so people can take a look at what we did.

Speaker 2:

Perfect Good and hopefully it inspires people to do it. If you've been thinking about doing it forever and maybe it's not Paris, maybe it's some somewhere else, maybe it's, maybe it's Savannah, georgia. That's been on my list forever. I want to go to Stacey. You and I have talked about that before. Yep, yep, wherever it is put a date on the calendar. First of all, just say I'm going to do it.

Speaker 2:

Speak it into existence, say I'm going to do it, then put a date on the calendar and start to make some plans. Yeah, for sure, yeah yep all right, yes, okay, stuff is good like they're. They're making margaritas over there. You go, we'll see you guys next week. Thank you guys for hanging out with us again. We'll see you soon. Bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye bye.

Speaker 1:

Who wants some heads up right now? We got that. Turn it up loud. I know you're wondering how I got that wild. Here I go, here I go, coming. I can't ever stop. I'ma tour the forest running. Get me to the top. I don't need an invitation. I'm about to start a celebration. Let me, in Brought a good time for some friends. Turn it up loud past ten. Turning up the crowd when I hit them with the power.

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