3 Cocktails In

Amy's Secret Smoothie Ingredient and Binge Worthy TV Shows. What Do These Have in Common? Nothing.

Amy, Kitty & Stacey Season 1 Episode 36

What if adding a surprising ingredient to your smoothie could boost your health in unexpected ways? In this episode, we kick off with a lively discussion on our favorite beverages, from cranberry vodka cocktails to nutrient-packed homemade smoothies featuring cottage cheese. We then shift gears to explore the Galveston Diet, crafted by Dr. Mary Claire Haver. This diet is tailored specifically for menopausal women, emphasizing strength, heart health, and brain health. Dr. Haver's practical, evidence-based approach and her active engagement with her community offer inspiring insights into nutrition and well-being.

Totally switching gears, we plunge into the world of streaming services and binge-worthy TV shows. With series like "Bridgerton," which uniquely combines modern top 40 hits with classical orchestration, and "Only Murders in the Building," we dissect the growing trend of splitting TV seasons to keep audiences glued to their screens. Navigating the labyrinth of streaming options, from Netflix to Apple TV, can be daunting, but we've got your back with our recommendations and candid thoughts on managing multiple subscriptions. It's a humorous take on the irony of having countless options yet struggling to find the time to enjoy them.

As we wrap up, we dive into current hits and upcoming attractions. From Andrew McCarthy's nostalgic interviews in "Brats" on Hulu to our mixed feelings about Brooke Shields' "Mother of the Bride" movie on Netflix, we cover what's worth your time and what to skip. We share a laugh over "Wellmania" and eagerly anticipate the next season of "Emily in Paris," with its chic fashion and picturesque setting. All this builds up to an energetic finale, where we celebrate with a spontaneous freestyle performance, inviting you to join in the fun and keep the good times rolling.

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Amy, Kitty & Stacey

P.S. Isn't our intro music great?! Yah, we think so too. Thank you, Ivy States for "I Got That Wow".

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Speaker 1:

All right running, get me to the top. I don't need an invitation. I'm about to start a celebration.

Speaker 3:

Hello Good evening everyone.

Speaker 2:

How are you both tonight?

Speaker 4:

Good, how are you?

Speaker 2:

Good, what's going on?

Speaker 1:

Sunday night.

Speaker 2:

Father's Day, sunday night. Yes, happy father's day to all the fathers that are listening.

Speaker 3:

yes, yeah yeah, very hot and humid day here in the midwest.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it was warm here too. What are what are we drinking? I have my cranberry vodka cocktail. Oh, you have a smoothie. Oh, a Propel.

Speaker 4:

I finished my Propel last night. Yes, I'm having a smoothie, a homemade smoothie.

Speaker 3:

What's in your smoothie.

Speaker 4:

Okay, this will freak you out. Cottage cheese. Then it's got frozen peaches, frozen mixed berries um a half scoop of protein powder and then a little scoop of collagen from my favorite little um Galveston diet. It's not supplement, but uh uh, somebody on Instagram that I follow, uh, dr mary claire haver, yeah, I hate cottage cheese but I was just gonna say what have you done with amy? Because I know this is not right right.

Speaker 4:

Um, so most of the time when I make a smoothie I like to have like vanilla, greek yogurt or something like that, and I don't know it must have seen something. Somebody said try cottage cheese. And I thought, okay, if I blend it up, I probably can eat it, because it's the texture that just wakes me up. But then I started looking at all the different containers, of course, and cottage cheese is kind of a good for us food Lots of protein, lots of protein, hardly any fat, and it's good fat that it's got no added sugar and as long as I blend it up, I'm okay with it.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that whole textural thing we use. Bill looks, if we ever make a baked potato which we don't do very often, but when we do he will take cottage cheese and he'll just, you know, whip it so that you and you could totally get it smooth. But he doesn't get it completely smooth, so I don't know that you would like this, amy, but he'll, you know, stir it and whip it a little bit, put a little bit of garlic salt in there as well, and use that on the potato instead of sour cream, sour cream it's really really good yeah, I've seen a lot of recipes starting to substitute sour cream.

Speaker 2:

you know dips and you know, like you said, a substitute for the sour cream part. Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 3:

So I have not heard of the Galveston diet. I feel like I need to know a little bit more about that.

Speaker 4:

Okay, you know I'm not a super big dieter. I'm not no surprise there, but it's a diet that was put together by a doctor, dr Mary Claire Haver. She is a board certified OBGYN with a specialty in menopausal care, so she has basically stopped seeing in the last couple. Oh, and she's also got a certificate as a nutritionist. So she's all about the food. That also goes into this later part of life care. And what I really love about her. I found her on Instagram. You can find her on on Instagram. She's got a website.

Speaker 4:

She's written a couple books lately, um, and her whole premise is, uh, the avoid the nursing home plan. This is her plan of how to eat, how to work out, to avoid going into the nursing home. It's all about strength and, um, you know, the things we used to do don't work anymore, um, because of lack of estrogen. It's just you can't balance your hormones, you can't do a lot of these things. She is a very firm believer in, um, in hormone replacement therapy. So that's something you know.

Speaker 4:

A separate thing, but this Galveston diet it's not about calories in, calories out, because that that isn't really. That isn't a good model. It doesn't hold true, because you have to really watch what those calories are and we have to learn to true, because you have to really watch what those calories are, and we have to learn to eat thinly, because without estrogen we don't have metabolism. We need things for heart health, brain health, all those different things and, um, I really like her. I just like her because she just constantly um addresses all the trolls and the naysayers and all the gym dudes that are always talking about if you just cut your calories. You know, and she's kind, but more to the point, you know, and she always cites all of her, the journals, the latest medical research, the data behind all the science, and I appreciate that.

Speaker 4:

So that's she's got collagen powder, protein powder, she's got different stuff and she says look, if you're not, you don't have to buy it for me. I just wanted to make it for my clients who are asking for it.

Speaker 3:

So yeah, well, and I like it when medical professionals create the supplements or create the products. Yes, I mean, it seems like it's already got a stamp of approval on it. Granted, you have to know that the medical professional has the right credentials, and all of that because you know anybody can see that they are.

Speaker 4:

But it's not hard to do. So Mel Robbins did a big interview with her, Okay, Um a few, probably a month or so ago. She's been on today's show. She's been on. She's kind of made the rounds with this last book, Um so, Galveston diet. She's from Texas, so I think that that's uh part of the appeal. And she's, she's maybe a few years younger than us, but not not too terribly much, so she's living it, she's, you know she's, she's right there with us. So, yeah, we don't talk about menopause very much here.

Speaker 2:

No, we don't. No, we have to have a whole episode of that someday.

Speaker 3:

Or a dozen.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, or a little part of each one.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, but it's. I mean, it's like Bill and I just went and grabbed a quick dinner and we were at Cuzzy's and we're both just sitting there people watching in silence. And at one point we both turned and looked at each other and I know that we were both thinking the same thing. You know, because this little family is coming in and there are many of them older and many of them crouched over walkers and you know, this is just natural aging People. You know, as you age you, you will have medical issues, you will have medical problems. They will hinder your ability to do everything, um, but in addition to that, there were just a lot of very unhealthy people in that restaurant as we looked around, and I just looking at what they were eating.

Speaker 3:

We were just observing them walking by, so I wasn't able to see what they were eating. But I just find myself thinking more about this because we are still in a prime age where we can take control of this. Oh, yeah, yeah, we can make the right choices now and make changes now so that when we are 80, hopefully we are. What was the term? Preventing the?

Speaker 4:

nursing home. Yeah, she just is anti-nursing home, you know? Yeah, nursing home prevention plan, right, okay.

Speaker 3:

Because who doesn't want to live in their own home as long as they possibly can? There's nothing wrong with a nursing home If you need one. Great and great that there are many out there that are great but I think most people prefer to live in their own home as long as they can. So we need to be doing what we can do now to prevent that.

Speaker 2:

Yes, okay Along those lines.

Speaker 4:

I have a question, as we're thinking about food that people eat, and this is not the topic for tonight. This is just a total aside on the whole thing. Do you guys eat things that are good for you that you do not like?

Speaker 2:

Oh boy, probably not yeah.

Speaker 3:

I mean, I feel like we eat pretty healthy here, so like I eat spinach and I eat beets and I like all of those things and I know those are good for me. So what would be an example?

Speaker 4:

When I was cooking for a family one of the one of the women that I cooked for it seemed to me that she, she like, hated Greek yogurt with a passion. It made her like gag, but she ate it every single morning because it had a lot of protein in it. And I don't, I don't even and I think she was trying to watch sugar, so I don't even think she had the flavored kind. And I looked at her. I'm like oh, oh my, but you don't like it. Why are you eating it? She goes because it's good for me and it honestly, it had never dawned on me to eat something that just because it was good for me. Yeah, yeah, I eat for flavor. Man, if it doesn't taste good, I don't want to eat it. It's why I can't choke down broccoli.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 4:


Speaker 2:

So I was just curious if other people do that.

Speaker 4:

I've tried to convince myself lately to eat eggs because I know that that would be a really great high protein.

Speaker 2:

You don't like eggs anyway, no, so no, why would you do that?

Speaker 4:

Well, except that you know it wouldn't be the other breakfast food. I'm a breakfast person. I need something to get me going, you know, to, yeah, and what I really prefer would be cereal, yeah, or a toaster waffle, or a muffin or a donut.

Speaker 1:

Right, so if I could eat eggs that'd be great.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:

If my doctor said you need to eat this because of this, then I would do it. If my doctor was saying you need to for a specific medical reason, then I would.

Speaker 4:

Fortunately, mine have not told me to eat eggs, and if they did, I might find a new doctor before I eat the eggs yeah, it goes back to that.

Speaker 2:

Why would we start doing something in our 50s for the? I mean, I get it for healthy reasons, sure, but why would you start? We've had this conversation. I'm not going to start drinking coffee, no, you know. Why would you start eating eggs? No, no, no, yeah, I don't think so. You don't have to. There's other ways to get your protein. Yeah, lots.

Speaker 2:

Well, let's get into the topic, which is really funny because it is not at all what we've been talking about. Um, however, I think everyone might want to grab their little notebook and pencil pen so they can write down some of the conversation that we are going to talk about right on Three Cocktails In today. You might want to write down Amy's suggestion Once again who is your doctor that you're following?

Speaker 4:

Mary Claire Haver, you can find her on. Instagram, and it's the Galveston diet.

Speaker 2:

There you go, Okay, so our actual topic today we are going to talk to about some of the binge worthy TV shows or movies or things that we can't wait to come out yet Um the summer, what we've been watching, what we look forward to watching, and all of that. Does anybody have a first one, or would you like to hear some of mine?

Speaker 4:

Well, let's just keep in mind no spoiler alerts.

Speaker 2:

Yes, for sure, but just say what it is, where you can find it Okay.

Speaker 4:

Well, I'll go with the one that a lot of people have probably heard of and have probably started Bridgerton, bridgerton. I love it. I love it, yes.

Speaker 2:

I do too.

Speaker 4:

And I love it for the costumes, the set design, the music. Yes, I love that they take current top 40 hits and they orchestrate them and rearrange them and you'll be watching like a dance, like a ball.

Speaker 2:

There'll be dancing to it.

Speaker 4:

Old fashioned, you know dancing and you're like man, man, that's a beautiful song. Wait a minute, are they playing madonna? Is that? You know it's? Yeah, so I love that part of it. It's very, um, it's very escapism and fantasy and lush and it just it's like the. For me, it's like the perfect little escape. A little glass of wine and I can feel like I'm transported to somewhere else. Nothing too heavy, um. So yeah, season three plus charlotte. So if you don't start with season three, you have to start.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you have to go back to the beginning either queen, charlotte or one and two yeah both. Yeah, um is season two. A queen charlotte out or just one is there?

Speaker 4:

is there season two? I thought that that was part of this whole thing.

Speaker 2:

No, it's just separate, but it's going to be its own own thing. I don't know. I don't know if there's a season two. I just knew that queen charlotte was its own thing. So my question so, yes, bridgerton is out. It is on netflix, in case anybody wants to know that. Um, this is season three, and part two of season three just started out. And that's my question why do we need part one and part two? There's a lot of that happening all of a sudden, where they drop four episodes for part one and then another bunch for part two. I think that's interesting on different days. Why not just drop the whole season?

Speaker 4:

I started noticing that in series a couple years ago and I wonder if it's to prevent people from binging all in one weekend. You know, do you guys remember watching only murders in the building, where they might drop like two episodes at a time, or you know get? I wonder if people are trying to get back to more of the once a week to keep viewers coming back yeah, it's the.

Speaker 3:

It's the scarcity concept which is well it's the you. The anticipation of what's coming next keeps you engaged, sure longer period of time. So, yes, they don't want somebody to binge it in a whole weekend, because they'll binge it and then it's over.

Speaker 4:

Yeah. And then it seems like a whole nother year, until it comes out and you may have forgotten about it. Yeah, good point, yeah.

Speaker 3:

There's marketing that's interspersed all the way along, so they're building the brand of it. They're attaching other things to it, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yes, you did bring up only murders in the building. That's on Peacock, I believe, and season four Is it still on. Hulu. I don't know. I wrote down Peacock but I don't know. Maybe my source was bad, but the season four comes out the end of August.

Speaker 4:

I didn't get to see season three because I dropped Hulu, where I first started watching it, which. Let let's talk about all these different sources. Have you been on Prime and Netflixflix lately? It's not prime and netflix anymore, it's netflix as a hub for stars and, and paramount and like what the hell?

Speaker 3:

I can't tell what's an ad I know, and sometimes, and sometimes I'll search for something and it'll say, yes, this is available with your subscription.

Speaker 2:

But then I'll go there and it's actually not yeah, because it'll want you to subscribe to something else to watch it.

Speaker 4:

Or how about they let you watch the first episode and decide you're going to love it, and then you need to subscribe? Subscribe to get the rest.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, there's a lot, of, a lot of interesting things for sure both Prime and Amazon have been doing that so we have?

Speaker 3:

we have Hulu, prime, netflix and Apple TV.

Speaker 4:

I had all those.

Speaker 3:

It got rid of two of them well, we have Hulu because that's where we get our live TV. Okay so, and I just said the other day, can we dump two of these please, Can we dump Netflix? And both Bill and Bo said no. He said let's dump Hulu, Like okay. Well then, where do you you want, where do you want to get the live tv? Then are we going to go to youtube?

Speaker 2:

right and you got to subscribe there too yeah yeah, yeah, and, and they're not cheap yeah, that's where we get our live tv now.

Speaker 4:

So, living in the condo here, part of our HOA, and one of the shared amenities is that we all pay $32 a month for cable and you can't unsubscribe from it. Oh, I mean, I suppose I could, but I'm still paying the $32. So I've got all the local channels and actually it Xfinity and I get a lot of TV from it. But I got really miffed as I do about my twins and Bally Sports North and Comcast or whoever got into this big brouhaha and it's no longer available on Xfinity Comcast you can't watch the twins and I'd been paying an extra for it, so now I had to go to a different TV service. So it's a lot.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it is.

Speaker 4:

And it's confusing, I know that it is.

Speaker 3:

Yeah that it is.

Speaker 3:

And so, bringing back to our topic, it's ironic that we have all of these things, because I rarely sit down and watch anything. The only time I do is if I am working on jewelry packages and I can have it on, you know, bill will have it on, and so he'll be watching something, and I'm, you know Bill will have it on, and so he'll be watching something, and I'm, you know, working on packages, so I'm kind of half listening. Um, so I hear people talk about Bridgerton. For sure I've never, resident and we did.

Speaker 3:

we. Anytime we were down here and I was doing this and he was doing that, we would turn it on and we blew through all six seasons. Yeah, Very, very quickly. So that's trauma drama, If you like, emergency room drama.

Speaker 4:

If you like, emergency room drama that checks every single box.

Speaker 3:

So is it gory or is it just the drama? Well, there's a warning at the beginning of every episode includes gore. So gore to them is you will see blood, you will see surgeries, you will see blood, you will see surgeries and you see people's hands going into bodies to you know, move an organ or um, massage the heart or whatever. But I just I found it fascinating the way that they talked about the conditions that people had and what they needed. And then I always wonder how real is this? I would love to watch it with with it, with an emergency room doctor, and say does?

Speaker 3:

that really happen? Does that really happen?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

It's your.

Speaker 2:

It's your typical doctor show.

Speaker 4:

You know it's a lot about the people and then they go you know I loved watching PR all those many, many years ago, yeah, yeah, but I never really felt like that was like I don't. I don't remember ever seeing anything in the surgery, any of the surgeries sort of deal.

Speaker 4:

But then they did as much as that was in the heyday of family TV time when it was on regular. I'm going to try and move this so that I'm not. Yeah, so the sun isn't bothering, but I I don't know if I can get it to all right, whatever kind of backlit. But, um, kitty, yeah, I have a suggestion for you while you're working. I think that you might really like this. Okay, it is my Next Guest with David Letterman, so it's David Letterman's show that he it's like an hour episode. He interviews different celebrities, different musicians, and so it's kind of in a format, you know, like listening to somebody do a podcast which you like. You don't have to watch the TV. It'd be perfect for people who you know are are doing other things at the same time, and I saw so it's been around for a number, a number of years.

Speaker 2:

What is it on? It's on Netflix On.

Speaker 4:

Netflix. It's on Netflix. Some of my favorite episodes are he interviews Julia Louis-Dreyfus and I love her, but it was a fairly serious episode. Dave manages to really kind of get to the heart of what's going on in people's lives and why they do what they do. And you know he he's been around forever and so he's got all that good history that he can attest to. That was a really good one. And she talks about, you know, winning the the uh Emmy for Veep and the next day, literally the next day, getting the phone call that she had breast cancer, you know. So it kind of talks about life and the next day, literally the next day, getting the phone call that she had breast cancer, you know. So it kind of talks about life while you're in the process. That's good I saw.

Speaker 4:

You know he's always got interesting musicians. He does a great one with Ryan Reynolds, of course. You know who wouldn't want to watch Ryan Reynolds? George Clooney, different. Just it's usually 50 minutes, maybe not too much longer than that. Each one stands alone. Yeah, I'm sure between you and Bill and Bo you could all find interesting people that you'd all like to listen to. So that's a really good one.

Speaker 2:

Okay, that's a good idea, yep Good Based on our age. Um Bratz is out on Hulu. That Bratz, that is, andrew McCarthy, is interviewing the Brat Pack oh, I've seen advertisements for that. Yes, and I think it just finally came out. You can see it on Hulu. So, yeah, there's an interview with Demi Moore, there's an interview with Emilio Estevez and so on. So, yeah, I'm interested in kind of watching that. Yeah, that would be good.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, it would, Although in some of the commercials Andrew McCarthy seems a little weirdly smug talking about how they were the center of everything and they were everywhere and it's kind of like a little cringeworthy.

Speaker 2:

I think he's a little smug anyway. Oh is he, which reminds me he was on Resident. So there's a full circle.

Speaker 3:

He entered the Resident at the last two seasons. I want to say maybe.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, main character. Oh, you guys, this is so bothersome I don't know how to fix the lighting Big shade up on the side of your head.

Speaker 2:

Here we go, if I can just lean this way, really close.

Speaker 4:

Does he interview Rob Lowe? Because that's If I can just lean this way. Does he interview Rob Lowe Because that's one I'd want to listen to.

Speaker 2:

I know right, I don't know. I think I don't know. We'll have to watch it and see To be determined.

Speaker 3:

You can't leave Rob Lowe out of that Exactly.

Speaker 4:

Rob is yummy.

Speaker 3:

Oh my gosh, even Bill Still yummy Every time he's on tv, like when that atkins commercial comes on. Yeah, he will look at me and he'll say he is a beautiful man and it's true, it it is true.

Speaker 4:

Bill speaks the truth.

Speaker 2:

He does Funny. Has anybody watched the Bear?

Speaker 4:


Speaker 2:

The Bear season three comes out Kitty.

Speaker 4:

Kitty, kitty, kitty. You and your whole family need to watch that, because it's that hot little little man that's a chef, yeah it's a.

Speaker 2:

It's a restaurant cooking show. I know it's called the bear. I didn't understand it at first either. Oh, I'm not gonna give it away why it's called that, but it is if they're trying to you know, trying to build a restaurant.

Speaker 4:

Basically, they Start out with a restaurant, trying to change the brother, the family restaurant. Yeah, it's good, it's really good.

Speaker 2:

I like the conversation and it's fast. You know it's blah blah, blah, blah blah. You know I mean the show is fast, it's not, it's not slow. You know you got to really kind of pay attention, but that's a good one. And season three.

Speaker 4:

Is that on?

Speaker 2:

Hulu. That's on Hulu.

Speaker 4:

Yes, yep Kitty, are you writing these down? Yep Good.

Speaker 2:

Good Yep. Hey, you guys speaking of.

Speaker 4:

Rat Pack and of the era of us. I have a cautionary tale for you. Have you seen on Netflix Mother of the Bride with Brooke Shields?

Speaker 2:

No, I just watched it, last weekend, I think.

Speaker 4:

I couldn't make it past 15 minutes. I had to turn it off. Yeah, you can tell she's the executive producer, because nobody would have ever hired her to be in that movie.

Speaker 2:

It was terrible. Benjamin Bratt is in it.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, he's also a beautiful man.

Speaker 2:

He is very beautiful. Yes, yes and yeah, it was not good.

Speaker 4:

Oh my god, her, her acting is horrendous, oh man yeah oh it was interesting, yep, whatever, I don't know.

Speaker 2:

Okay, what else do we have.

Speaker 4:

I have kind of a weird one on Netflix called Well Mania, I think it's. I watched the whole thing. Of course, I think the woman might be Australian or I don't know if she's American and gets stuck in Australia or something rather, but her, um, she's very unhealthy, very, very unhealthy in her lifestyle. So she's a uh, a heavy drinker, maybe, does some other stuff and, for whatever reason, they will not renew her visa to let her leave until she gets herself. Well, and every episode is her trying to do something to lose the weight without actually having to do anything for it. Very good humor, it's very funny. But the storyline is really good and she basically this doctor that they assign her. The woman will not sign off on her thing and keeps making her go do stuff. So there's nobody in it that I'd know. There's no big names in it and I don't even know how I happened onto it. But Wellmania one word W-E-L-L-M-A-N-I-A, Very funny.

Speaker 2:

Very funny On Netflix.

Speaker 4:

And it's just one season. Well, I think there might be a second season coming, coming, and I don't know, it might be a year season coming, but I mean, and I don't know, it might be a year old or something, but it was, I enjoyed it.

Speaker 2:

Cool, that's an interesting one. I have some based on our soon to happen trip to Paris, ooh, okay. So I just want everyone to know the pair in the Olympic, the summer Olympics in Paris. That starts July 26. We'll be on NBC and Peacock. I just want everyone to know the summer Olympics in Paris. That starts July 26. We'll be on NBC and Peacock, evidently. Emily in Paris, season four oh, is that started? It's coming out August 15th, okay, and there's another part one, part two, so August 15th, september, september 12th. So I was just interested in that. If you haven't watched Emily in Paris, it's a very light, you know, I wouldn't call it comedy, but light show and interesting because it's beautiful, because it's, you know, I like that's the one where I'd like to see what she's going to wear, yes, when you're probably not going to dress like emily in paris we're probably not going to dress like any of the people that are in that that show, and I have watched it and I really do enjoy it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yep it's good, um, and then, if you want to, um, do a weird one. Supposedly there's a movie on netflix called under paris and it's about, uh, sharks in the sen river, oh, where they're gonna have, where they're to have some of the swimming competitions, not factual at all. It's just, you know, one of those goofy horror shark shows. But I just thought that was funny.

Speaker 4:

Kitty will put that on her list. She likes a good horror show. Yep, you need to write that one down.

Speaker 2:

That's on my list. Sorry, Kitty.

Speaker 4:

You're going to report back with that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, oh, there you go.

Speaker 4:

Okay, so speaking of Emily in Paris and kind of that whole genre of young, I'd say it's kind of I don't want to say it's kind of high school young age viewing, but it kind of is. You know, I mean not that we can't enjoy it, but it kind of is. You know, I mean not that we can't enjoy it.

Speaker 4:

I happened upon on netflix a show called geek girl, an episode or a series of geek girl and it's um kind of hokey, but again I love the clothing. It's this nerdy girl whose best friend wants to be a model. Somehow the two of them end up. The geek girl might be on the spectrum a little bit, I mean, she just has some little oddities in dealing with her peers and stuff Takes place in high school and the geek girl ends up getting. Of course I'm not spoiling anything, but she is the one that gets discovered and becomes this model and it's just really interesting and kind of cute and fun and light, summer, very much a summer kind of show to watch, won't depress you, you won't feel bad that you missed part of it and you can go back or you can just skip it sort of deal. So that fun, fun thing to watch. Fun and cute.

Speaker 2:

Yes, fun and cute okay, what else do you have? I could flip to movies. There's been some interesting movies. Yeah, I want to hear your movie suggestions. Okay, you mentioned the one which I'd even forgotten. So that's how I know I don't like a movie, because if I forget it or I fall asleep in the middle of it it's not good. This one was interesting to me, called the Idea of you. It's Anne Hathaway to me, called the idea of you and Hathaway, oh, where she's dating the young guy he's 40. And he's 20 something 25.

Speaker 2:

I don't know that was interesting. It's one of those that you can just kind of lightheartedly watch and very predictable, you know. You know what I mean, but I thought that was an interesting one.

Speaker 4:

I think that's based off of a book? It could be, and the fans of the book were all up in arms. People were all wound up because they're saying Anne Hathaway looks like a beautiful 40-year-old. Of course she could get any young man she wants. And the more people talked about it, the more people were pointing out. You know, the problem wasn't in casting Anne Hathaway. The problem was in casting the man who played the young man who was supposed to be like 24, but he looked like he was 32. That he was the one that was miscast and that they should have really cast somebody who was the character, and then it wouldn't.

Speaker 2:

then it would have looked like more of a gap yeah, yeah, because I even had to google like how old is anne hathaway? Because I didn't. She's in the early 40s. Yeah, she's 41, I think.

Speaker 1:

And I wouldn't have necessary.

Speaker 2:

Based on her look, you wouldn't necessarily think she could certainly pass for still in her 30s. So oh, yeah, it was an interesting. Yeah, they didn't seem different enough. I agree with that, you know you know, yeah, so interesting.

Speaker 4:

Anyway, I like it. It was good. I do think I want to watch it only because I'm dating. I'm, you know, back to dating and, um, you know, on the good old profiles I put a little what my, what my age range is and I kind of go like five years younger, five years older.

Speaker 4:

That's kind of where where I'd be comfortable. But when you run out of choices, the algorithms do what they want to do. And I've gotten some that were way, not way, but like so, like maybe 10 years younger than me, and I've gotten some messages from those men and I'm like some messages from those men and I'm like no, no, and I don't. It's in my head. I know it's in my head, but I can't imagine dating somebody that's 20 years younger than me, 15. I can't imagine 10, let alone.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, give it a try just as a social experiment for people. What the heck, give it a try and report back should I volunteer as tribute for that, please volunteer. Yeah, yeah, I just think it would depend. I feel, like you, a relationship, you always kind of have to be in the same place and I think someone too young, you're not quite in the same be in the same place.

Speaker 4:

And I think someone too young. You're not quite in the same. Yeah, in the same place. Yeah, what do I do?

Speaker 2:

All right, so that movie is worth a watch, that movie is worth a watch, just for a fun, you know, romantic type movie. Okay, kevin Costner's Horizon is coming out in theaters, so I haven't been to a theater, I don't know in how long, so that one might have to wait until it comes on Netflix.

Speaker 4:

Well, it'll probably only have to wait about six weeks and it'll be on Netflix.

Speaker 2:

I know it doesn't seem to take as long. Yeah, it's one of those same thing, Kevin Costner, Old West, Civil War type thing. Supposedly there's going to be four parts to it, four movies, so that'll be interesting have you guys noticed that a lot more.

Speaker 4:

I mean, as we're talking about how to try and keep viewers interested when you think about the?

Speaker 4:

Yellowstone was part of 1812, which was part of all these independent series that all tie in together. I watched the one with Tim McGraw and Faith Hill as the husband and wife couple that were coming from Texas up to wherever they ended up Montana or whatever. Yep, I watched almost all of that. I thought that was really good. I loved the. I loved the young girl character in that. Yeah, I thought she was really good actress. But yes, Yep, I just want them to.

Speaker 2:

I like that, I like that genre anyway. So. I'd like yeah.

Speaker 4:

They're all good. I like that, I like that genre anyway, so I like those. I don't know that I can't ever find good movies and so that's why I end up watching a lot of British TV and British movies. I was talking to a coworker today about why I like those and you know, like when you talked about the resident and how you're seeing hands and the heart and all that, you don't see that in like the crime dramas, the the cop shows and stuff, you don't see as much of that. The person's already dead, you know. At most they're lifting part of their body up to see you know what might be killed, or or maybe it's the autopsy and they're just pulling the sheet down and you know you're. You're not seeing all of that, and so it's more about the, the psychological aspects of how it's done, and I I like that because I'm a little squeamish.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 4:

Medical field was never an option for me ever never, ever, ever never wrote a paper on I want to be a doctor.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I. So you know we get desensitized by these things, and so I, as we were watching that, I kept thinking, you know, if I were, they don't let people observe. You know, in a can't do a ride along in the emergency, which I would love to do. But I wonder if it would be different, because it's so, so realistic watching it on TV. Would I pass out if I?

Speaker 3:

was in the room and you're, you know, you watch the scalpel take the first cut. I don't know, but I mean this goes. This goes all the way back to my senior thesis paper that I wrote on the desensitization of the media.

Speaker 2:

That was a long time ago, wow, a long time ago yes, I analyzed, I analyzed.

Speaker 3:

Psycho, the original psycho, alfred hitchcock, psycho with the remake that had just come out in whatever, in 1984, ish or no, 88, 89, yeah yeah, I have a feeling if we watched either of them we would chuckle, because I doubt that.

Speaker 2:

It's very you know to and to your point, you know I mean other than the way, way back the Bela Lugosi and the movies from the 40s where it was the vampire.

Speaker 3:

That was a different. That was the first phase of horror. And then you had Psycho. That was a. It was your imagination that made it so scary and you never in that movie. And the most terrifying scene, the shower scene. That is iconic. You never saw the knife penetrate the skin and the only blood you saw because it's all black and white, the only blood you saw because it was all black and white, the only blood you saw was a little bit of blood that went down the water, into the drain, and that was actually chocolate in the water. They didn't use red dye or anything. That was the extent of it and it was terrifying. And then you put the remake next to it and it was all blood and gore, which they didn't have to do. You could have, you know, you could have still followed the alfred hitchcock approach in it. It is what you don't see. That is more terrifying.

Speaker 4:

Our minds are always more yeah, yep, yeah, and, just like we've talked about before, the conversation you're having, that you're having in your head about how an uncomfortable conversation is going to go is always worse than what the actual reality is. We can scare the bejesus out of ourselves. We don't have to have somebody do it for us.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 4:

Yeah, well, well, kitty, I can give you a little bit of of the. Is our medical dramas the same? Because when I went in for my one of my last two surgeries, my last surgery I did get wheeled in to a big operating auditorium where the ceiling was super high. I'd never been in one like that before and there were. I couldn't believe how many people that were there getting the different stuff hooked up and I thought, well, this is same day surgery, they're sending me home today. What the hell is going on? You know, they get you a little loopy before they really knock you out, and I remember that there's a. I was laying on a board with a tee so my arms were coming out and they were strapping my arms in because they don't you know. Oh yeah, arms in because they don't you know, don't want her to move.

Speaker 4:

And I wasn't quite out yet. So at that point I'm looking around, gray's out of me sort of thing, with all the lights way above. You know, I think I've always been out out before I've gotten there, but because it wasn't as serious of a surgery, they don't have to knock you out as hard. But that freaked me out, it was. It looked like. You know, at least from that angle I'd never seen an operating room that was like that, so I could maybe sign a note if I ever have to another one. My friend Kitty has my permission to sit in on the surgery.

Speaker 3:

We will watch. Next time you talk to Dr John, ask him if they let observers in.

Speaker 2:

I will do that. Can we get a pass? Can we get a pass to watch something?

Speaker 4:

Yes, maybe I could just bring in my cell phone and set up a tripod and just record it for you.

Speaker 2:

Could you hold my selfie stick?

Speaker 4:


Speaker 2:

Right down in. We want to see. Oh gross.

Speaker 4:

Gross. Well, I think you guys have given me some good suggestions. Stacey, do you have any other movies for me?

Speaker 2:

I think I got to the end of my list, did you?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, yeah this is a good list. So it's as we go into summer, and especially for those of us who live in Minnesota, this is, this is our time, right, this is we enjoy summer so much in the Midwestwest. It's a beautiful time, but there are always those days like this. Last week there were lots, lots of rainy days and it's nice to have an idea of you know what you can pull up and just kind of hunt down and relax days when it's, or days when it's 91 degrees and 87% humidity.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, Also Turn that.

Speaker 4:

TV right on Right.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 4:

Yeah, hopefully. All right, if you guys, if our lovely readers, or listeners, I should say readers, if our listeners are watching anything really good that they're excited about. We could definitely use some hints.

Speaker 2:

Let us know. Yep, help us out. Comment yes, yeah, anybody that hasn't liked our podcast or followed us on Instagram and Facebook and YouTube, please do it. We're always asking for that. Do it. Share it with your friends. Share it.

Speaker 4:

Sharing is caring.

Speaker 2:

Sharing is caring Awesome.

Speaker 3:

All right, cheers.

Speaker 2:

This is our end to this episode. We will see you next time. See you next time, bye, bye, bye-bye.

Speaker 1:

All right. Woo, look, I got that. Wow, who wants some heads up right now? We got that. Turn it up loud. I know you're wondering how I got that. Wow, here I go. Here I go, coming. I can't ever stop. I'm a tour de force running. Get me to the top. I can't ever stop. I'm a tour de force running. Get me to the top. I don't need an invitation. I'm about to start a celebration. Let me in Brought a good time for some friends. Turn it up loud past 10. Turning up the crowd when I hit them with the power.

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